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News item Comments posted by Dissident

  1. I registered just to reply to "Damer Flinn".


    The vast majority felt that Sanderson did a great job.  It is fine if you disagree, but saying things like "no doubt" and "debacle" makes it clear that you feel that your opinion is fact.  It's not, and your opinion is the minority.


    In regard to the "big epic last battle", that was not the norm for Sanderson.  He had to get help from tactitions and Team Jordan since he had never had to focus on war so strongly.  The notes left for Sanderson called for a lengthy battle, and if anything, he was held back by having to match up with the epilogue.  The epilogue that Jordan wrote!  Ending with Jordan's words made it impossible to give better closure.


    If you wanted a better ending, Sanderson would have had to deviate from what Jordan wanted.  The blame is not on Sanderson.


    Regardless I loved the book, but I did feel that the battle scenes could have been cut down somewhat.


    And if you are going to reveal your teenage-level fanboyism, at least spell the name correctly.  It is Drizzt.

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