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Posts posted by jjstraka34

  1. Egwene's ending makes sense. From the first few lessons she got from Moriaine in the flight from Emond's Field, Egwene's single goal was becoming Aes Sedai, and after she achieved that, she devoted herself wholly (more so than any other character) to her goal, which was reforming a broken White Tower. She was often annoying, and grating, but she also had the thankless job of leading the coldest group of human beings ever assembled in one organization. That she not only figuratively represented the Tower in the role of Amyrlin, but quite literally took on the physical manifestation of Aes Sedai power in her final moments is certainly a fitting ending. 


    Also, Gawyn's death obviously foreshadowed Egwene's, but so did Bela's, as you will remember that one of the first times Rand unwittingly used the power was when he healed Bela's fatigue so Egwene could be carried to safety. When Bela went, I knew Egwene didn't have long. 

  2.  Demandred being challenged to a swordfight three times as the utter height of stupidity.


    Idk, I like how Demandred was handled. He was built up as the ultimate mystery among the Forsaken, and he delivered on that. The fact that he never got what he actually wanted, to face Rand, was his ultimate punishment, But during the battle he was absolutely a force, and more than lived up to his billing. Sanderson never had much of a problem writing the Forsaken/Shadow forces. His weaknesses lie elsewhere. 

  3. The never-ending Trolloc fodder in the first half of the book is a significant and glaring flaw. They haven't been intimidating enemies since 3/4 of the way through "Eye of the World". This and the endless game of gateway musical chairs just sucked the life out of many chapters. Thank god the second half of the book was better. 

  4.  Moiraine's return scene was ridiculous and we saw very little of her in the book.


    This for sure. This should have been the most surefire scene to write in the whole series. Was looking forward to this more than anything else. It was completely flat. The only thing I liked about it was Nynaeve gving her a hug. It was the only thing that rang true. Her non-interaction with Lan when she and Rand are visiting him in the Borderlands is inexcusable. These two spent 20 YEARS side by side preparing for this very moment, and they barely exchange words.

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