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Posts posted by egwene1225

  1. Morgase was revealed in the last pages among the supply groups i think cant remember.

    Pretty sure the onxy hand was moridin taking callandor and then rand forcing a circle with him.


    I saw her organizing supply groups, but it was odd to me there wasn't anyone who thought, at some point during the entire book (particularly in the beginning when Elayne asked Perrin to organize the camp) "Morgase chose to stay back with the refugees in Cairhein not to interfere with Elayne's authority" or "Morgase was in Mayne helping at the hospital" or SOMETHING.  I mean, this is three somewhat-major character's mother, and no one gives her a passing thought?  She was at the supply lines AFTER the battle, but before? during? it just seemed like a bit of an oversight, to me.

  2. I started reading and did not stop.


    Not everything happened exactly how I wanted it to or had envisioned it over the past 18 years, but that makes it a good book.  A story that we can predict is a boring story.  The world RJ created is not a fairytale world made up of too-good-to-be-trues and happily-ever-afters.


    I really loved that Rand understood at the end that there could be no "good" without "evil", no "light" without "darkness", that it is our free will and our ability to choose that creates our humanity.


    Demandred and the Sharan were brilliant.  I'm sure there will be a lot more backstory in the upcoming Encylopedia.  If they had tried to put much more explanation - Shara, Fain, Slayer, etc etc etc - into this book it would've had to be split again.  I thought Sanderson did a nice job typing up lose threads, considering how many there were.


    It tore me apart when Egwene died.  She's always been my favorite character, perhaps because I felt I was growing up with her (I started reading tWoT when I was 12), though she did disappoint me with her narrow-mindedness in this book.  But to be so incredibly young, to have fought so hard against so many foes and succeeding - chaised by trollocs, fleeing Shagar Logoth, captured by Whitecloaks, captured by the Seanchan, chaising darkfriends, surviving the Waist, being propped up as Amyrlin, being beaten repeatedly by Elaida, securing the Tower, beating Maseana, facing the Seanchan in Battle, cleansing the Tower, gaining the respect of the Sitters and the rulers - and finally being married to the flawed but wonderful man she loved, only to face his death so soon and fight to kill one of the Forsaken because there was no one else to do it.  Her life was cut so short.  No matter what anyone says about her whining in the first books (she was like 17, for goodness sake!) or stubborness or faults, she had the courage and determination of a lion and she gave all of herself to whatever her task was.  I found her death the greatest tragedy.


    Avienda being crippled was also a big "why" to me, except that perhaps RJ wanted each of the characters to persevere through the loss of what they considered their identity, their core.  Avienda and her agility, Perrin going to Dragonmount even when he believed Faile to be lost, Matt facing the dagger (though his was a bit less intense for me).  


    I agree the reunion scenes between Moraine and Lan / Suian were missed. 


    And, if Alanna could so easily get rid of the bond with Rand, why did she do it as soon as she realized the Shadow was going to use her against him? She had to wait till the last possible moment? That doesn't seem very Aes Sedai noble...


    And I have to say, even after reading through the RJ-written books, I got very little to no clues about the Moiraine / Thom connection.  Anyone else?


    Oh and anyone else think that Birgette is being reborn as Elayne's daughter?


    There are a lot of unanswered questions - 

    What exactly WILL happen with the throne of Saldea?  If Faile takes the throne, do they split their time between the Two Rivers and Saldea? Elayne was trying to prevent that with the rule about the kids...

    Casuane knows Rand lives; will she, as Amyrlin, ever call on him? for what?

    How WILL the Three decide to share Rand?

    I also missed Nyneave's reaction when Lan was struck down fighting Demandred.  WAS he dead, or just mortally wounded?  Did Rand bring him back from the dead or just Heal him?  Nyneave's reaction would've told us.

    What is the future of the Aeil?

    Where was Morgase during all this? What happens to her now?

    What the heck did all of Verin's letters say?

    Will Min go back to the Seanchan to be Tuon's TruthSpeaker, or not?

    Will Logain be the Tamyrlin? How will that hierarchy be set up?

    What was the "onyx" fist vision Min had actually referring to?

    Was Rand lighting his pipe at the end showing he could Will the Pattern / affect the world through his will? he couldn't do that when he could channel, so it was a bit confusing exactly what that meant

    Who will be the new Prince of the Sword?

    Will Galad and Berelain wed (assuming Galad survived) and how will the Whitecloaks fit into the New Age?



    Letting it digest for a bit then reading it again to really absorb everything.  It's such a surprisingly powerful feeling, having it finished.  I feel at once painfully sad that a part of my life as ended and finally complete that our story has come to a close.  It's amazing how BOOKS and CHARACTERS can play such a profound role in our lives.  It's a bit silly, really.  


    Oh well.

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