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News item Comments posted by Rellawing

  1. I was really young when I first encountered this series. Putting it together has been fun. Sometimes I would get a new book (later) and other times I would raid all the local used book stores that I could find. This started in my favorite book store in Carson City with my Grandmother. I loved to visit the little out of the way shop... there were never that many people there... I could raid the shelves to my heart's content. I've never been as fond of other stories as I have of Fantasy. I read so often that many of my English and grammatical skills were learned partially from Osmosis... those books.


    I was in a tough situation in my life. I don't know that I would call what I was (am!) a nerd persay... but whatever it was, it didn't agree with my classmates, and bullying was pretty much a daily thing. Books were an escape from the day to day horrors. They're the reason, probably, why I've been merely depressed rather than crazy or suicidal. I suppose I'm drifting a little bit from the point of where I first contacted the series, so to continue, I found the first five or six in Carson City, and I spent one year in Idaho where I found another few to add... I believe I was up to Lord or Chaos or Crown of Swords around then. I read and reread Eye of the World so many times I had to duct tape the cover back on!


    After finishing those, I got a few more in Carson City, and finished the series (up to this point in the story that is) digitally in Texas with Towers of Midnight. I'm definately looking forward to A Memory of Light. I can't say how crestfallen I was when I'd heard that Robert Jordan had died... thinking that such a long story had never had a chance to be finished bothered me more than a little. Brandon Sanderson's takeover of Robert Jordan's work made me skeptical, and I have to admit I'm still a little skeptical about how things are going to end... but skepticism aside, it's definately far better to have a proper ending to the story and wonder if just MAYBE the original intent of the Author was shifted or changed in some way in the process of expanding upon that (what was supposed to be) last 12th installment of Robert Jordan's work.


    It's definately worth it to see an end and hope that Rand can break the cycle and become more than what the world made of him. Not to mention the other memorable and in some cases lovable characters... I certainly wouldn't mind finding out if Egwene survives this... and what it would me to her to be happy after all is said and done... I guess only time (not that much time at this point) will tell!

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