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News item Comments posted by Big_Boppa

  1. Jhirrad, Andrew_G, and everyone else who has either contacted me directly or offered me support in this thread - Thank you - I really apreciate your kind words and offers. Like most folk here, these books have meant a great deal to me over the past twenty years and so have sites like Dragonmount. Oddly enough, I have not been able to connect with many other WOTanatics (?). The creator has decided to test me by surrounding me with rabid Ice and Fire fans, so I have enjoyed Dragonmount and its sister sites immensely.


    Reading this thread, I also decided that it is time for me to get over myself. As I told someone in a response to a privvae message, I have spoken before 600 overstimulated gradeschoolers, rooms full of satiated and bored rotarians, hostile juries and wacko judges. Getting freaked out over asking a question about a minor point in one of these books is silly - but then I'm the same guy who was unable to do anything but grin when I got to shake Leonard Nimoy's hand so go figure.


    Anyway - I am actually writing my question down (legibly) and am planning to to raise my hand at the signing to ask it. I am attending one of the early signings so if something happens and I am not able to ask it, I hope you will let me take you up on your offer then.


    I also wanted to say acouple other things.


    First to Jennifer - I owe you an apology. In my first message, I stated that a plausible solution (for the Boston(?) situation) to accept Memory keepers and o include the former Tower Guard in the private functions with Harriet and Brandon. When I reread this thread yesterday, I realized that is exactly what you did. My apologies - at my age - I should know better than to offer up criticism before "carefully" reviewing the situation. It was never my intent to dismiss the effort you and the rest of the team put into the Memory keepers selection. I blew it and I'm sorry.


    I think it is unfortunate that we so often forget the manners our parents taght us when posting on the internet (and I mean all of the internet, sports boards, political discussions, what have you). I think its the anonymity that allows folk to write things online that they would never say face to face to another human being.


    To Winesong - in case you return to reread this thread. My sincere condolences for your loss. I can't imagein what you have gone through over the last three years and I am sure you will understand when I say that I hope I never do.


    Kudos to you for the sacrifices you are making for your children. Although I have never faced the type of loss you have, I am old enough to know that life changes on a dime and the plans we were so certain of can disappear in the blink of an eye. As hard as it is, if you keep on, I believe you will reap benefits you could never have imagined. Last week my youngest stepson told me he was thinking of giving his son (due in March) my last name. If you saaw the battles we had when he was younger, you would have declared that impossible. Your kids know what you are doing for them and the day will come that they let you know. Just hang in.


    You are right, of course, that no one here knows anything about your life. It's the nature of these types of communities. And since we know nothing about the challenges you face, we should exercise restraint in our reponses. However, doesn't that imply a duty on your part to recognize the same thing about everyone else here? I was disappointed about not being selected, but I have yet to see any evidence of a "fix" or any intent to manipulate the selection process.


    This post has gone from simple to preachy in record time.


    Congrats again to all the Memory Keepers. The 8th can't come fast enough and yet the transition from Anticipation to Memories of Light is coming far too quickly.

  2. Mashi - This is an excellent and thought provoking post. You broke down a number of issues in ways that I had not thought of before. My own sneaking suspicion is that most of these issues will not be resolved at the end of AMOL. Remember that the Age of Legends was the 2nd Age. Six ages need to pass before it comes again. Five ages after the 3rd age, during at least one of which, mankind will likely forget about the One Power. The D.O. must become a memory that fades to myth and is eventually forgotten before the 2nd age returns. A corollary of this is that the “taint” caused by the D.O.’s struggle to break free is not going to go away overnight. Darkfriends, Trollocs, etc. will still exist; the blight will not give up its hold easily and so on.


    When I think about Randland after the end of the series, I keep returning to Nicola’s foretelling “The last battle done, but the world not done with battles.” I think the 4th Age will be both a renaissance and a long series of struggles. While I do not believe this means that the Aiel must go to war against the Seanchan, it feels like a hint to me. A reminder that not all loose ends would get tied up. Therefore, I am anticipating an end where Avienda is fighting the future she saw in the pillars without any guarantee as to which way her battle will fall.


    That being said, as I write this, my mind keeps jumping to the “remnant of a remnant” prophecy. Someone check me on this, but as I recall, the Aiel prophecies foretell that the Car’a’carn will “SAVE” a remnant of a remnant of the Aiel. I have a hard time equating “saving” with surviving for a generation or two. Therefore, just like that, in the middle of a post, I am changing my mind . . . . . sort of . . . Ahhh . . . hell! I have no fracking idea.


    Moving on and pretending like I didn’t just post all that, I also don’t believe Moridin will turn to the light. I think the best bet to make that leap was Asmodean and he knew himself too well to really consider it. While I see many of the forsaken as opportunists, Moridin is a true believer. He is the only one who seems to understand that if the D.O. breaks free everything ends and he seems to me to yearn for that ending, although that may just be a result of bias imposed by my own theory.


    I cannot put my finger on it, but I seem to recall years ago, early on in the series, Jordan saying that not everything would be resolved at the end of the series and that he had written a "hook" into the final scene. My first thought (which I still retain to some degree) was that the hook would be Ishamael’s escape. Since then, we have learned that Ishamael/Moridin remembers things that are much more ancient than the Age of Legends (i.e. the Fisher King). From book one, he has stated that he and the Dragon have been through this cycle many many times. Thinking about that and keeping in mind how often Jordan used the idea of nonequivalent parallels (use of the power by men vs. women, etc) has lead me to think that Ishamael/Moridin may be immortal. It would be a terrific parallel to the heroes of the horn. As heroes of the light are bound to the Wheel (they die and are reborn), the champion of the dark is tied to the D.O. and becomes his immortal servant; seeing age after age go by; or perhaps being bound with the D.O. in the long gap between the end of the third age and the return of the second.


    Anyway – we will know soon – which is, in itself, a bittersweet realization.


    P.S. BTW this is why I do not post often - Despite my best efforts, brevity eludes me.

  3. As an applicant who was not selected, I am disappointed as well; less about the rejection of my application than the failure to follow through on the stated commitment to let ALL applicants know whether they had beeen chosen.  While I understand the press of the holidays, the problemsx caused by the spam attaacks and the difficulties imposed by what I am assuming was a very large number of applicants, I am reminded of a motto a military friend of mine uses.  "All excuses are good excuses - None of them are accepted."


    In this case, a commitment was made to all applicants and not followed through on.  It's really as simple as that.  Now that the list has beeb publicly posted, I suspect there is little reason or motivation to follow up with the rejected applicants.  While I doubt my experience is unique, it may provide some insight into why some folk may have a bad taste intheir mouth.


    First, the deadline for application was December 7th.  That date was fixed with no exceptions allowed.  Like many others, I really wanted to be selected.  A memory of Light represents the end of a 20 year journey for me as well as most everyone here.  I spent a fair amount of time planning, thinking about and drafting my responses for the application.  The week of the 7th, my work schedule was brutal.  regardless, I made time to prepare and submit my application on time.


    In order to make certain that I would not miss any response, in my application, I provided my work email address, something which is highly frowned upon at my place of employment.


    In the post setting out the application procedures, we were informed that ALL applicants would be notified one way or another within a week of the application deadline which would have been December 14th.


    Starting December 10th, I began checking my email every morning, including my junk mail and spam folders because I thougt that if I was accepted, I might be required to provide a quick reply.  When the commitment to make a decision by the 14th was not kept, I began checking here and learned about the spam issues (which I still think is a reasonable cause for delay). Figuring there might be a problem with email, I continued to check both here and my email every day. 


    As of the 20th, I had to leave town to visit relatives for the holidays.  While there, I had no way to check my work email and very limited internet access.  I actually worried while I was gone, that I might have been accepted and lost the oportunity because I was not able to confirm my interest promptly.


    When I returned home, I found myself unable to get to work the next day (today the 28th) due to a snow storm, so I remoted in in order to check my email and was disappointed to see no message.  I then checked here and saw the list.


    In defense of those of us who feel some frustration I will state that while not being selected is a disappointment, the failure to send a courtesy email as promised adds to that feeling a sense that my application was not even worthy of a response.  I do not know if others felt that way, and I am certain that those making the selections did not intend to send that message, but that is what ultimately leaves a bad taste.


    In my case, one of the reasons I applied was because I had a theory/question that I had wanted to ask about for years.  Because I am somewhat reserved and sensitive to flame attacks, it is very difficult to for me to speak up at public events or post here (Trust me, aside from the folk who relish the opportunity to lecture posters about using the search function, I recognize that this issue is all mine).  I had hoped therefor that with the opportunity to be in a smaller forum with Brandon and Harriet, I would be able to present my theory/ask my question.


    I was also surprised and a bit othered by the decision to let former Tower Guards serve as Memory Keepers when the rules so clearly stated that would not happen.


    The solution for both of these issues would have been the same.  Clearer communication at the beginning.  Having been in the position of having to choose between applicants for numerous position, I understand the desire to be fair.  You really do want to let everyone know personally.  However, that is not always possible.  Therefore, a simple statement up front that succesful applicants would be notified and their names posted with no promise to notify unsuccesful applicants along with a statement that in one case, former Tower Guards might be selected to rectify prior problems would have avoided a lot of needless angst.


    In the second situation, I am not sure I understand why new Memory Keepers could not have been selected and the prior Tower Guards allowed to attend the private meetings with Harriet and Brandon,  None of these groups is so large as to make that solution unwieldy.


    Regardless, although I understand Wintersong's feelings, I do not intend to cut off my nose to spite my face.  Congrats to all the memory keepers.  I will be at the signing and will do my damndest to screw my courage to the sticking point to raise my hand and ask. 


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