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News item Comments posted by tremalkinger

  1. @snowball and jack of shadows

    Thanks, forgot about that confrontation.  Been a while since I read that book.  Just finished ToM again in anticipation of the new book and it had me thinking about Alivia and Lanfear's possible connections again. 


    If they are not the same person I wonder if that matchup at Shadar Logoth was just a precursor and they will have another confrontation in the last book.  And which side will they be on when it happens?  I've always thought Rand would turn one of the Forsaken back to the Light, and given his very personal past connection with Mierin it makes sense he would redeem her.


    Especially since Asmodean is gone, I originally thought it might be him.  Then again, the DO is likely using Rand's known weakness for women to lure him into a trap and Lanfear might go along with it to end her continual torment.  I still like the redemption angle but don't believe she survives regardless, like Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker.


  2. Pure speculation on my part but is it possible Alivia is Cyndane/Lanfear/Mierin?  Rand does see her in his dream at the end of Towers of Midnight and that is the only time she or Alivia have been heard from in some time.  Particularly since his rebirth on Dragonmount.


    Perhaps Semirhage was given control of Cyndane at some point to continue her punishment for past failure and tormented her with an a'dam. This theory would explain Alivia's age, quick learning, hatred of sul'dams and lack of damane-like behavior.


    Lanfear and Lews Therin/Rand are closely linked and I don't believe their story is over yet.  I suspect Rand rescues her and she in turn helps him 'die' at the end.  Probably by somehow removing Lews Therin from his mind in killing Moridin, leaving Rand to live his remaining years as simply Rand.


    Just a thought.


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