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News item Comments posted by Wintersong

  1. Aiel Heart:

    1. We were told "If you were chosen as a Storm Leader or a Tower Guard we can not choose you again."

        That means that those people can not be Memory Keepers!!! If Dragon Mount wanted to let those from Baltimore sit in on

        the meeting/dinner, that would have been fine, but they should NOT get to have anything to do with the signing, other

        then getting to sit in the audience with all the other people, and 7 people should have been picked not just 3!!!


    2. As for the spambot attack, I never once had a problem getting on to the site, I did get a page saying that it was under

       attack, but I still got to the site in about 5-15 seconds!!! As for the site being down for 3 days, please tell me what

       days those where, as I have looked thru the forams, and see postings for everyday from Dec 7th-26th. Please see list!!!





    Dec 7th The White Tower and Warders(Social Group) Will someone please explain this to me? wolfbrother

    Dec 8th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Welcome Onychea  Davrick

    Dec 9th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Hey Nya!!!!  Davrick

    Dec 10th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Rampage while Chrissy isn't looking  Starrik

    Dec 11th Wolfkin(Social Group)  *Howls*  WolfbrotherKronos

    Dec 12th General Discussion  BlueCon2012  Red2111

    Dec 13th The White Tower and Warders(Social Group) Sign ups for the Amazing Race!  Rhea

    Dec 14th Wolfkin(Social Group)  I'm backkkkkk:)  Draugrbat

    Dec 15th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Wolfkin Wallpaper  Sir Tounsend

    Dec 16th The White Tower and Warders(Social Group) Dorm Reunion!!!!!!!  Aiel Heart

    Dec 17th The Black Tower(Social Group)  Honey Bunny Honey Bunny I can't get this song out of my head     Panchi

    Dec 18th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Wolfkin Dream  Sir Tounsend

    Dec 19th The White Tower and Warders(Social Group) Christmas Shenanigans On the Front Page   Ireond

    Dec 20th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Dragons  Davrick

    Dec 21st Wolfkin(Social Group)  Now that is a funneh lookin' lime  Nyanna al'Meara

    Dec 22nd Wolfkin(Social Group)  What I want to see in AMOL  Aiel Heart

    Dec 23rd The White Tower and Warders(Social Group)  Pictophone Sign ups!WOT Winter Carnival   Rhea

    Dec 24th Wolfkin(Social Group)  Memory Keeper  Christine

    Dec 25th Wolfkin(Social Group)  A Dragonny Christmas Present  Aiel Heart

    Dec 26th The White Tower and Warders(Social Group) Welcome to the Festival of Lights!!    Charis Sedai




    I would think that if the site was down there would not be postings on those days!!!!So that tells me the site

    WAS NOT DOWN!!!!!!!


    3. As for the email if you tell people you are going to do something you do it!!! As in we were told everyone would get an email

      telling us one way or the other, we did not get that email!!!! As Big_Boppa pointed out. The deadline to enter was Dec 7th,

      that would have meant that we should have been notified on Dec 14th or the 15th, if you count the 8th as the first day!!!


    4. Christmas is on the 25th, has been every year and will always will be. It is not on the 26th. Check your calander!!!!!


    5. No, I have never been late for anything, starting at the age of 12. I have always hated being late, never culd stand it

      from my parents!!! I make it a point of being at least 15 minutes early, and if it pertains to work I get it done early too.

      You can believe that or not I don't care, you know nothing about me or my life!!!!!!


    6. As for what I hope to accomplish with this. To let you/everyone see how we were mislead/lied too, and how it looks like the contest

      rigged!!!! More on that further down. Also to hopefully let the people running the site know what mistakes THEY made, so if there is

      ever another contest it will go so much smoother, and they can learn for the mistakes they have made, but as this is the last book

      I doubt there ever will be another one. From the other posts I see on here, I am not the only one unhappy about the way this was done,

      not that we are not unhappy we didn't get chossen, but we are unhappy that Tower Guards are getting to also be Memory Keepers

      when the posting said they could not be, and that we didn't get an email telling use if we were picked or not.


    7.As for the parts about lying, if you say you are going to do something you do it! No excuses,  your boss would not accept

     excuses so why should we with something like this?






    Yes, the holidays are a busy time of the year for people, and we all want to spend time with family and friends, but that is no excuses!!

    We where told when we would be contacted via email within a week of the deadline to let us know if we had been selected or not we where not!!!

    We didn't get informed till 12 days AFTER THE DATE THEY SAID!!! To avoid this they should have said they would let us know as soon as they

    had made there decision. As for you slacking off on your job, that is on you. When I went back to work, I gave my job 100%,

    that is what I am getting paid for! You do the same thing for a volunteer position, it is the same as a job. The only differance

    is that you get paid differently!!! As for paying her, if that was the case he last day would have been the 15th! That may sound

    cold, but you need to understand, if I was paying them I would be looking as it thru the eyes of a buisness, and that kind of

    failure could have cost the company lots of money,and it did cost Dragon Mount my money, and that can not go unpunished!!!

    Being a new person to the site I would have been willing to buy items thru the site, but as I will not be returning to the site

    they will not be getting my money!!!! People need to relize that when you are doing some thing like this you have to look at it as

    a buisness, and run it like one! How do you think the nonprofit organizations stay in business? Not by keeping people on who cost them money,

    screw things up, or can't follow thru with there job!!!


    I do have one last thing for you, that i founf to be quite intresting. You said that you use to work at Dragon Mount years ago, and I quote you here:

    "Also, I count Jennifer, and James L., and Jason as personal friends, even if I haven't been able to see them in a decade." and then you say and I quote

    you again "I was very fortunate and was chosen to be a Memory Keeper." How LUCKY FOR YOU, but can you see how people could see this as just another clue

    that the contest has been rigged? You know people running it, so my question is what makes me or anyone reading your post not think that you would not have

    been picked? Do you realy think that that is fair to the rest of us, you should not have applied if you know people running it!!!




    You tell me to get a life, well let me tell you about the life I have. I am raising 2 boys on my own. The only help I get is from my mother

    who is there babysitter when I have to work. You see my wife was killed by a drunk driver 3 years ago this comeing February 10th.

    That also happens to be my youngest sons birthday, you see he had to be cut out of her there in the car, if not I would have lost

    them both. She knew she was going to die that night, and she left me one of the two greatest gifts I have. I work 40 plus hours a week,

    to raise them. They are my life! You can beleive this or not I don't care, but before you tell someone to get a life you realy need to think about what that means!

    I am not telling this for simpathy, I am telling it for you to see that what I hold dear is my sons, NOT SOME DAMN BOOK OR A SPOT TO bE A MEMORY KEEPER!!!

    They are my life and joy! 


    If you want to think of me as a "armchair quarterback" you go right ahead, no skin off my back, but I will tell you this.

    If I had been running the contest, I would have stated form the start, that the Tower Guards that missed out on the perks from there time

    were going to be allowed to sit in on the meeting/dinner before the signing, but they would not be allowed to help with anything going on

    at the signing. They got to do that at there's. I then whould have picked 7 new people to be the Memory Keepers with all the perks!!!

    I also would have not said all those picked would be announced at the same time. I would have posted something along the lines of,

    do to the possibility of a high number of entries the winners would be notified like so: for the signing in January on the 15th by noon, and for the signing in Febuary they

    would be notified on the 29th by noon do to the extra number of dates then, and for Christmas. I would have also send out the emails, as stated everyone would have been

    notified as to is they had been picked or not by the same date. You can say what ever you want to about it I don't care.






    Last but not least, I would like to say. I could have understoud the disorder and delays if this was the first time a contest like this happened,

    but it was not. This was at least the third one. By this time all the bugs and glitches should have been worked out, and there should have been

    some idealof the number of applications that would have come in. With all this being said. I do hope that if there ever is another contest,

    Dragon Mount id better preparied to handle it in a more profesional manner. I also hope they have more people how will step up and help

    sort thru all the applications. For those who will be atteneding the signing I wish you all a wonderful time, for those of us who will not be

    that is our choice. I have not changed my mind on buying the book, I still will not be, nor will I be attending a signing. Not because I was not chosen 

    to be a Memory Keeper, but because of the the feeling I have posted about the way the contest was handled. You can also feel free to say what ever you feel like saying

    about me and/or my post that you like, as I will not be back to this site.   Namaste
  2. Please explain what there is to think about? As the post says for the application "You cannot serve as a Memory Keeper for more than one event in this tour, and we regret that we cannot choose you again if you were chosen as a Storm Leader or Tower Guard in previous years."!!!! This was copy and pasted from the application post! "We will be contacting everyone via e-mail within a week of the deadline to let you know if you have been selected or not.!!!! Also "Jennifer sent a mass email to all chosen to be Memory Keepers about two hours ago today. She said on Twitter that some emails had bounced, and she would post the full list on Dragonmount on the 26th (and also asked kindly not to be flooded with requests from people before then as she'll be with family for Christmas!)." Did this happen NO!!!!!! This Jennifer was to busy to post on the 26th. We where told lies!!!! So please explain to me why I should stand in line to buy a book at an event that has been rigged? Why should I spend my hard earned money to support an author that has people working for him that can not/will not follow what they say they are going to do??? Just like The Tower in the books, they say one thing and do some thing else!!!!! I have read all the books up till now, and I am sorry to say I will NOT be buying ever, and I will not be buying an more books by Mr. Sanderson or James Oliver Rigney, Jr aka Robert Jordan! So please tell me what there is to think about, or rethink???????

  3. Well I don't think that is fair! They had there chance, and that should have been stated in the rules, but why start following the stated rules now! We where told everyone would get an email, and only the ones chosen got notified! I for one will NOT be attending the signing!!! Nor will I be buying the book when it comes out, if I do decide to buy the book, I will buy it from a used book store. That way I know my money will not be going to support a website that can't follow what they setup for a contest!!!! But what can you expect from The Tower, they tell you one thing, and do what they want, even if it goes against what they said. So sad!!!!

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