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News item Comments posted by gordoj8

  1. I like the idea of Moriane asking how to break the wheel, because personally i would rather the DO be killed than just re-sealed so that the entire story could be repeated again. Also, i too believe the Aiel's days are numbered.  i think that they will survive in such a small number that there will not be enough left to challenge or go to war against the Seanchan. The remaining few will be so dejected at the heavy loses that they will return to the way of the leaf, which is sad to say because i love the Aiel.  I also think that one way or another the Shaido will get what has been coming to them. The tinkers song has play a large part in the ending of this series because there is so much emphasis placed on it from the very beginning of the series for it not to.  I really am not a fan of the body swap idea but i also have no solid evidence or thoughts on another possible way the LB will end aside from those already stated.

  2. The only reason i can't accept Alivia being a sul'dam pet and having a devious plan is because that goes against everything we've ever seen from them.  They seem to even despise the thought of working with any channelers, let alone male channelers and female ones.  I just don't see them getting over their hatred even with something this important.  It also would make no sense to send their most powerful weapon in this place.

  3. I feel like Alivia has to play a large role in the Last Battle.  It wouldn't make sense to introduce a character such as Alivia who is by far the strongest female channeler and who knows almost every way to kill things, just to have her be found out by Rand and thwarted so easily.  I know someone else mentioned it but no one knows quite who she was before she was collared.  She could be Hawking's direct descendant, as a lot of importance in this series is put into 'strong' blood.  I am not sure but were there any heros of the horn that were channelers? If so could she not be one of those reborn? And thus the pattern wouldn't allow her become like the other damane.  That is just a theory but, no matter what i still think that there is an explaination to the Alivia debacle, somewhere.

  4. What if Rand using Calendor is what causes the 3 to be one.  I've alwasy thought that the swirling colors were caused from the wheel beginning to unravel around the three and that the color were cause by their specific patterns overlapping.  This led me to think that maybe the massive influx of power cause by Calendor will cause the pattern to unravel enough to allow their patterns to completly flow together, effectively becoming one single part of the pattern, causing some significant effect.  The idea is definitly not perfect and out there but I have learned from reading these books that sometimes thinking outside of the box is the only way you'd ever be able to predict these prophecies.

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