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Posts posted by Lightbringer

  1. Greetings fellow Dragons,

    a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


    First of all, thank you Dragonmount for hosting this site.

    Next, thank you Robert Jordan, Harriet, Brandon and Tor for bringing us these works.


    I am a peaceful warrior so it is with regret that I bring up this issue.

    Like all of you, I have waited patiently ,or is that all my life :-), for The Wheel Of Time to come to the end of its cycle.

    I read many a calm, excited, impatient, angry but all passionate comment about when A Memory Of Light would be released.

    My simple take was & is, it is what it is and we shall all receive the work and share in its glory when we're supposed to.


    I have been waiting happily with the knowledge that I had pre-ordered A Memory Of Light, from Amazon.co.uk, the moment it was available to do so several months ago.

    Suddenly last month I, like many others I suspect, were hit with a double whammy from Amazon.co.uk. In a casual email they told me that the pre-order was cancelled and that I would have to pre-order again. No problem I thought, I'll do immediately. Then the 2nd hit - it seems that here in Europe & elsewhere, we will not be getting the hardcover copy of A Memory Of Light with the artwork by Michael Whelan, at least not initially anyway. Of course, if you go to Amazon.com or Tor you can order what I deem as the correct version of the hardcover and pay the extra delivery costs, exchange rates, not withstanding.


    I realise now that Orbit & Tor have direct book covers (I had only previously used Amazon.com) but my issue is that Amazon.co.uk clearly had the Tor cover on their website at the time of the original pre-order and up until the time of their cancellation email.

    Yes, I have made a complaint to Amazon.


    I can guess the reason but am wondering why the same book cover wasn't made equally available to everyone around the world for such a momentous occasion?


    In the end, I will be getting Michael Whelan's hardcover version even if it means not guaranteeing receiving it on January 8th.

    Patience is a virtue:->.


    Your thoughts are welcome.

    Thanks for your time.


    Regards & wishing you all peace and good reading,


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