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Posts posted by WhiteCastle_mmm

  1. Hey there, I played a WK char. a while back (a year and a half or so) and was wondering how to go about starting a new one. I can't seem to find any bio requirements or contact e-mail for who to send it to and all that jazz, probably from the switch back over here.

    And to answer the inevitable question, my char. was Davian. I have no idea what my ws was, and I was in training for the Watchers.

  2. "You're going to be quite the brawler with those weapons. They aren't known for finesse, but they're versatile and people are more used to fighting someone with a sword or a spear than those. When you do end up using them, you'll be wanting some gauntlets, chain perhaps so its easier to change your grip. Without a hilt on a weapon, you'll always want some protection for the hands." Baine caught the axes and took a mental note of that, and planned to return back to the armory to look for some suitable type of armor and gauntlets.

    Baine listened closely as Aran described the maintenance of his new weapon(s) of choice, and he was right, it was mostly common sense. As they were walking Baine examined the hafts that were currently on the axes, noticing a few small nicks but no damage that really warranted replacing them any time soon. Aran took his usual sentry post, seated at the base of an ancient looking tree and motioned for Baine to join him. Baine took a spot up against the base of the tree just next to his mentor. It was actually remarkably comfortable. He could begin to see why it was so much more prefferable than walking the walls. The grass was soft underneath him and the bark of the tree made a good back scratcher.

    "I know we spoke at the inn, but lets be clear about this. Why do you want to train with weaponry? Its not something you should take on lightly, especially if you later become a Tower Guard. Or if you're really unlucky, a Warder. What do you want for yourself really?"

    "Well you may call it unlucky, but my ultimate goal is to be a Warder. I want to follow in my uncle's footsteps. My father absolutely adored him, and he died nobley in battle protecting his Aes Sedai. I know you preffer napping and drinking, but to me serving as a Warder is a calling that I plan to embrace to my fullest extent. I know it seems like a boyish dream, but I've already come this far on my own. Some would say that in itself is an accomplishment." Baine paused and tossed a pebble and hit the neighboring tree. "I just want to be a Warder, I've never wanted to run my fathers estate, and I have no political aspirations whatsoever. I've dreamt of it since I was small. So the only thing my home in Saldea holds for me are the horses I guess. But I brought one with me so I guess I'm set for a while." Then in a moment of curiosity Baine asked his own question. "What about you? You don't seem very enthused about being here."


    Baine Draksun

    Tower Trainee

  3. With each description that Aran gave to him, there came an image to Baine's mind. An image of him in battle wielding the weapon being described. Doubtlessly they were all efficient in their own way, each with its special purposes and special weaknesses. He disregarded the swords, he already had one (unwieldy as it was). The flails and mauls caught his eye and he lingered over them for a moment before moving on. Automatically disregarding halberds and pikes Baine's eyes moved on to the staves. The ones that appeared to be capped with iron or steel seemed like capable enough weapons, but they still didnt appeal.

    With Aran back outside, probably opening a fresh wineskin, Baine paced up and down the numerous rows before him and found himself staring at a large rack of axes. He hefted one after the other until he found one that was comfortable in one hand. It was slightly shorter than most of the others around it. It was larger than a throwing axe, but not large by any means. He took a couple swings. The thing moved fairly quick, seeming lighter than most of the others its size. And in comparison to the practice with his No Dachi it seemed lighter still. After further inspection Baine found a twin for it and lifted it as well. Holding one in each hand he took a couple swipes with both before settling on them and walking outside to find his mentor.

    When he saw the the man leaning up against the wall he appeared to just be falling asleep, big surprise there Baine thought to himself.

    "Well I think I've decided." Baine held the axes up, displaying them before his mentor.

  4. When Aran flooded the room with his quick explanation and even quicker self-dismissal, Baine's mouth hung open slightly. How much of a hurry could this man have been in? He probably wouldnt even have left the tavern yet if they hadn't chanced to meet there.

    Baine promptly plopped into the hard-backed chair sitting next to where Aran had dumped him when the Mistress of Trainess told him to. Or at least he tried to, once his rump was about 2 inches from the bottom of the chair his body froze and he heard a metalic "clink" and he couldnt go any lower.

    With his cheeks flushing bright red he took off the harness his sword was in and laid it next to the chair he was now occupying rather uncomfortably.

    "Well I guess you could say they had an odd sense of humor ma'am, and it's spelled B-A-I-N-E. As for myself...I'm from the middle of nowhere in Saldea. My father is a minor noble and my mother is the same, from Andor though. I play a few different instruments, and speak the Old Tongue fairly well."

    Baine puased and tried to think of something interesting about himself but came up remarkably short.

    "I guess that's about it for me...I just want to learn to be a Warder, like my uncle. That's his sword, he must have been huge." Baine motioned to the monster on the floor. "My mother calls it a foolish boyhood dream, and she may be right. But I couldn't think of a better way to try and chase this dream than by starting now. Besides, I am not so much a boy as a young man, I realize the difficulty of this training. I'm not just wandering blindly into this."

    Baine noticed he'd said a bit more than he'd meant to, and she had stopped writing.


    Baine Draksun

  5. In the deep hidden sanctuary of his dreams, Baine's subconcious put him back in every riding lesson he'd had back in his father's fields in Saldea. The faces of several grizzled men-at-arms came back to him shouting orders. Being their master's son gave him no special place during training.


    Baine woke abruptly as his dream went to his first real fall. Drenched in a cold sweat he rose and dressed before the sun and set about organizing the few belongings he'd take with him. Pulling on his tight green pants, black (under no circumstances would he risk being confused for a white trainee) linen shirt and a green bandana over his newly shaven head he strapped his No Dachi to his back and his other blades into his belt. Hoisting his pack over his shoulder he set out to the stables.


    When he got there he had to wade through a small swarm of other Trainees and Tower Gaurds and a few Warders. Moving through the press he eventually found his horse's stall. Sho was not the best horse he'd had to choose from, but he'd had to make his decision quickly and quietly as he left home. Over the long ride from Saldea to Tar Valon, man and horse had become quite used to eachother. Fitting him with the necessary equipment Baine led him out into the open and mounted. Once on the animal he had a better vantage point, and it came in handy. Towards the back of the group he spotted Fid, his team captain, who was scanning the crowd as well. Undoubtedly looking for his other teammates. Baine moved closer and made room right next to him. "Good morning captain." They had a short conversation in quiet tones as they both kept their eyes peeled for their third teammate, and awaited orders to start the trip.


    Baine Draksun

    Green Team

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