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News item Comments posted by Arty

  1. I agree that the text does seem to be in error. But maybe it is just us that are.

    If we look at this from the way woman and men grasp the power. Woman surrenders, man seizes. Does this not explain why women can link and men cannot? Does it not also state that the one initiating the link is the one that surrenders?

    In the case of Nynaeve and Rand: Nynaeve, already holding the power surrenders to Rand who then seizes the power from her.

    In the case of Pevara and Androl: Pevara not holding the power surrenders to Androl, who then seizes the power through her.


    Paul Chauvet, on , said:


    That seemed to be what happened. Pevara initiated it and Androl completed it and took control.

    androl shouldnt have had to "complete" anything... only women can initiate... they would reach through the man just like with a woman, only, they wouldnt be able to channel atall, they would have to pass control to the man...


    In both cases the woman initiated and the man “seized control” to complete the link. The only difference is that Nynaeve senses Saidin in the initiation and Pevara does not. This is probably due to Rand being the most powerful male Aes Sedai, using the most powerful Sa’angreal created for a man and Androl being, as we are repeated told, so week in the power.

    In other words, there is no error.

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