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James Andrew Powell

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Posts posted by James Andrew Powell

  1. Zathrus lead his mount towards the section of camp indicated as the Cavalry. After a few inquires about the location of the sergeant or captain in charge he was directed to the far side of the section.


    Observing the camps layout as he moved on, Zathrus began to see through the apparent chaos of the camp to the discipline and ingenuity that lay at its organization. Every apparent division of the camp was distinctive and arranged for the most effective defense possible while not impeding the other sections.


    Among the Cavalry, the layout was deceptively unorganized. The mounts looked well cared for from a distance, with farriers or their respective riders seeing to their needs and maintenance. 


    Soon he arrived at what appeared to be the hub of this section. The activity of the area seemed to focus around one person. A short, broad man who appeared to be in his middle years, completely bald with a voice that somehow managed to maintain the short, clipped accent of Cairhein after having swallowed a handful of sand. 


    The man looked up and noticed Zathrus for the first time,

    "State your business. If you've come from the Quartermaster to inform me that we don't have the iron for new horseshoes I requested three days ago. Then you can run on back to the fool and inform him that if he cannot spare the iron then he had better expect a personal visit from me and the largest switch I can find to show the man the error in his ways."


    After waiting a moment, Zathrus cautiously began to speak.

    "I do not come from the Quartermaster sir. I came looking to find whomever I had to speak with to sign up."


    The Captain's entire demeanor changed before he spoke. He now seemed to exude  a subtle yet stern sense of command. And after a moment of silence The Captain motioned one of his men over and spoke quietly to him before speaking 

    "Well, I suppose I can be the man you need to speak with. Though you will answer a few questions first. First, How did you get into my camp? I swear If you just wandered in I will have to have some harsh words with the sentries. Second, what qualifies you to join my cavalry? You might be able to ride that flea bitten nag you call a horse. But any farmboy can ride a horse. Finally, and this is the important one. What right do you have to request admittance into The Band of the Red Hand? "


    This Captain had delivered his entire speech seemingly without taking a breath. All in the same level tone, while never breaking eye contact with Zathrus. He did not seem hostile or condescending, merely curious and mildly amused by the entire situation. Though his delivery had been intense, and somewhat surprising. Zathrus had prepared to be questioned and answered with little hesitation."I was escorted to your camp by two of your scouts after some brief questioning and instructed to come here to seek enlistment. Second, I have some experience with battle, including the Aiel siege of Cairhein. I have some knowledge and experience in both small unit mounted combat and larger cavalry engagements, and I am willing to learn. Third. I have the same right as any man to decide who I wish to ride into battle with. I chose you not because I was seeking you out but because it is where I found myself to be. And in addition. regardless of your decision regarding me. If you insult my horse again we will have a problem, He has been a faithful companion for several years and as of now appears to have better manners then you do Cairhein."


    Zathrus took a deep breath, Surprised by his outburst near then end. Though he did not regret it, and waited for the Captains response. He sat quietly for a time. His head cocked to the side while he watched Zathrus. Suddenly he stood and walked into the large tent behind him, returning momentarily with a small leather bound book several sheets of paper and a pen & ink. 

    "I respect a man who respects his horse. And you have spirit boy." He set the items on a small table and began to write. First a few quick words into his book and then on the sheets of paper. "I will need you to make your mark here, this notates the date of enlistment in the band. We're scheduled to paid at the first of the month, but that can be a problem on the field." He moved on the sheets of paper, laying them out, now covered with small, orderly script. "This is your requisition for uniforms, I cannot guarantee that we can get you one in the field, but once we get to The Citadel you'll get one. These are your orders, I'm putting you with 3rd squad, in the 7th Light Cavalry Unit. You will report to Sargent Galdwin for your bunk and standing orders. I'm Captain Dalmora, welcome to Dalmora's Stormlance's. 4th Cavalry Company of The Band of the Red Hand."

  2. I propose a hunting trip RP. Featuring daring deeds and succulent feed. 


    A few of the fellows and Zathrus should go out as the band winds its way back to The Citadel. Searching through the woodlands vast along our path for game of a furry and delicious nature. 


    I can foresee the possibility of hijinx, Adventure. A run in with some not so savory characters. A Random Bear... Who knows what could result!!! Any Volunteers! 

  3. Welcome back to the fold friend. 


    Handle: JA Powell

    Character: Zathrus Morvin

    Division: Cavalry

    RP Idea: Novice Jousting Tournament

    Favorite Drink: Pick Your Poison... The Aiel got beverages that will put some hair

    on your chest and the paint off your house. 

  4. Zathrus and his escorts moved on in relative silence for a time. It was not quite an uncomfortable silence but to Zathrus both men still seemed on edge, and and he shared the apprehension. Unaware of the reception a newcomer would receive with their fellows and the possible danger ahead would make anyone who had spent there time in warfare share the same caution.


    Then the man walking beside him spoke up, asking about Zathrus' apparent travels. Arnith he thought the mans name was.


    "Some I suppose. More then I care to think about some days. Andor, Cairhein, Amadacia, and finally here. Though I do wish that I had gained more from the new places and experiences then scars and bad memories. War seems unavoidable now."


    Sometime during the conversation they entered the camp. It appeared rather orderly and well kept. Further reaffirming Zathrus' decision to join this group. Stability was attractive and he would rather join a group of his choosing then be conscripted into another to die some anonymous death for a cause that wasn't his own. 


    "I suppose I shall speak with the cavalry officers. And from there if there is time I will meet with you later for some food. Thank you for the company and bringing me along to your camp."


    Turning his mount, Zathrus rode towards the cavalry section of the camp. Ready to have the whole process done with so he could get along with joining this new group and finding out what this new path he had chosen had in store.


    (OCC: I suppose this should get wrapped up. I enjoy it but I feel its time to move on to other, newer ventures,) 

  5. Zathrus took in both of the strangers. Their mention of a meal and any kind of pay was tempting, slightly disconcerting was the mention of being arrested. The phrase in and of itself, as well as the mention of cavalry hinted at a organization closer to a army then a simple band of mercenary's. 


    Thinking for a moment, weighing the options and the increasing danger of being unattached when every land seemed to be consumed by war. Zathrus made his decision to join this group, They did not strike him as darkfriends, and did not stink of the over zealous superiority of whitecloaks.


    "I suppose, considering your gracious offer. I will take you up on the free meal, and meet with your cavalry and make my decision to join."


     Zathrus mounted his horse and turned to follow the strangers, feeling a combination of optimism and apprehension. He had made his decision, but was aware of the strong likelihood that there was no turning back from this decision. Joining a group, While possibly dangerous was a better proposition then traveling on alone.


    "Lead on. today is as good a day as any to join. And I could use a change in scenery." 


  6. Making the assumption that Zathrus, while having his official membership in the BotRH pending return to The Citadel. I plan to aim this in the start towards getting to know the active people in the band. the PC's that will make up the primary group. Who we all are, how we could work together.


    Arinth and Arkin my character knows. And through assumption some of the NPC's will have been met. 

    So interaction between those two and Zathrus could happen and be productive. 


    As a fair warning this might lead into a Tinker encounter. I really like the idea of meeting a Tinker caravan and having a conversation with them. I feel it would compliment my character by having him forced to consider all the options and decide. 

  7. I would Enjoy both the Tinkers and also the Menagerie. Both offer a good chance to stretch everyone creative muscles in a different direction. 


    Also maybe some interaction with other groups. I would enjoy the chance to get some cross organizational action going on between the band and one or more of the others. The Wolfkin. Curious about the Bands movements. The Children of the Light looking to defend the world from Seanchan darkfriends and their wicked ways. Or the random Aes Sedai roaming about doing Aes Sedai-y things. 


    I Plan to drag them all in. As well as mutual learning experiences for everyone!

  8. The arrival of the second man came as no surprise to Zathrus. The newcomer having gone crashing through the woodland around them, attempting to break every branch on his path. In a way his arrival broke the tension of the situation. 


    The new arrival stumbled in. Smelling faintly of drink. He was quite obviously not attempting to move silently or flank Zathrus. And did not seem to know how to move through the woodlands at all, judging by the clatter. He apparently knew the other man in the area by name. Which hinted at either danger or opportunity.


    Zathrus decided to take a chance and push them both for information.


    "Ahh, another guest on this fine morning, Just "out for a walk" I suppose. But since you both seem to know each other. And with the mentioning of parties and cavalry  I can guess at what I've stumbled into."


    While speaking to the men, Zathrus attempted to move himself and Froststar to a position where he could keep his eyes on both men. Planning out possible escape or a possible fight. 


    "If I have trespassed. I can assure you it was a mistake and I shall be on my way. But...if you have or know of work needing a steady hand with a blade and a good horseman. Point me to it."


    The moments seemed to stretch into hours as Zathrus continued to talk and position himself. He had managed to move into a position where both men were more or less in front of him. Though he felt he had done a good job keeping his face an voice neutral. He shrugged his shoulders for the fourth time, feeling reassured by the weight of his blade and armor. And pushed on.


    None of us are natives to this region. You have the sound of Cairhien in your voice "Arkin". And you, my loud friend. Have the sound of Andor about you, Meaning you are either the worst brigands I have had the pleasure to encounter, Or you are mercenaries, and I would ask what Company you represent and what they pay for new members?"

  9. I have returned from my long absence a proud father of a brand spanking new baby girl.


    Now for the point of my message. I would like to kickstart Zathrus' intro into the Band. It got started but has stagnated.


    Would enjoy to get some good ole' fashioned creative writing done!

  10. Froststar spooked slightly at the rather sudden apperance of this strange man from the trees. Calming his mount, Zathrus examined the stranger with a cautious eye. He spoke with a friendly manner but his hand stayed near the knives the stranger seemed to have in abundence. After quick calculations on how best to deal with this potential threat, he dismounted.


    "It does seem to be a fine morning. though the afternoon may prove to be uncomfortable. Forgive me if I am cautious at your sudden appearence and goodwill. But with war spreading throughout the world, I am apprehensive of strangers. Where there is one man offering greetings with his hand on a blade, there are others in wait near. So if you mean me ill, you had best hurry on and bring your friends. But if not I would ask of news from Tanchico. Is there work for a soldier there?"


    (OCC-I would not mind some recruitment being thrown my way. I have grown attached to the idea of my faithful horse buddy. And no worries about the delays. Its the holiday season, and I had my own real world occurances to draw me away from the site.)

  11. As the first rays of morning light began to cast their light across the world, Zathrus woke from what had proven to be a rather unsetteling dream. Images of friends and comrades lost in battle, to illness or injury.


    Throughout the dream a subtle truth had been eating away at Zathrus' mind. "The world is changing. Will you... Can you change with it?"


    Deep in though he went through his morning routine. Watering his mount, checking harnesses and his saddle, gathering wood. But the mundane activities did not help him to find an answer to his own question. Could he change with the world." It was a question he knew in his heart he could only wait and see.


    One fact remained. The world was quickly becoming a place where a man could not survive alone. Unaffiliated and unattached to a nation or organization. Great armys from both far away lands and lands he knew marched towards battle, and a lone horseman could easily be crushed in their path.


    A not so gentle nudge snaped Zathrus back to attention. Froststar, Zathrus' gelding, had nudged his master none to gently in the back. A solid horse, strong, sure footed and quick despite his size. Had seemed to sense his owners unease and tried in his own, unique way to solve his friends unease. Slightly smaller and leaner then a draft animal. The beast had proven a worthy companion in the years since Vengence, Zathrus' original mount, had broken his leg during a dust up with some bandits.


    And Froststar had unwittingly solved one issue for Zathrus. Sitting in the wilderness was getting him no where, and despite careful planning his supplies were beginning to run short. He had to head for Tanchico. To hell with the Seanchan, they didn't stop travelers from what he had heard. And did not restrict people from entering the city. He was only a day or two away if he traveled on the road. And with new places came new chances for work and maybe a answer to his question.


    Zathrus broke camp, Straping on his armor, worn but well maintained. And riding off towards the city. His Kopesh strapped across his back for easy access while mounted. Looking every inch a proud, if travel worn, soldier riding in the morning sun. Not worried about yesterday or tomorrow, only about what today would bring.

  12. In the Name Of The King 2 is pretty horrible. Manos-Hand of Fate is horrible. Had to go with an ex girlfriend once to watch some movie called Troll 2... that was really bad. But in my personal opinion, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the worst movie ever made.


    Its the only movie I paid money for, put in to watch, and then about twenty minutes later took it out, put it back in its case. and threw away. I know it has that whole "cult classic" thing going for it. To each their own I suppose.

  13. The world was so different now. Sitting in silent contemplation beside his campfire, Zathrus pondered on the changes he had witnessed in the world. War was spread across the land and seemingly impossible to escape.


    The wars in Cairhien had at first proven a source of stable work and good pay. Merchents traveling through the country offering good coin for any man who appeared to know how to use a weapon and was willing to escourt them through the country. But that had changed with the Aiel, seeming to jump straight from his fathers tales into a mysterious, deadly reality. The young man could almost take some pride in knowing he had faced one of the veiled warriors and emerged victorious, if only he could forget that the circumstances.


    "They rode in a quiet cluster in the mid morning light. Eight men, well paid from a lucrative stint guarding a merchent train from Andor to the city of Cairhien. The day was quickly growing towards an uncomfortable tempreture, and none of the group was worried about watching for danger along the road. At the urging of Dav, the group stopped to eat and rest. From a short way off they heard a scream, cut off suddenly, and out of the brush an arrow took Old Ferris off his mount, crashing to the ground. And like smoke they were among them, tall, lithe men, armed with spears and bucklers, fighting their way through the group. The first of his companions Zathrus saw die to those spears was Ferris, struggling up from the ground, fumbling for his sword before one of the veiled attacker thrust a spear into his chest. The man turned on Zathrus, his blue eyes seeming to look through him as he turned and wrenched his spear free and took a step. Zathrus, gripping his kopesh in his hands readied himself to fight for his life. Chance or providence made its first appearence at that moment, as the Aiel prepaired to move, Ferris's mare, panicked by the scent of blood and the sounds of men fighting and dying around her, lashed out with her back legs and caught the Aiel in the head and chest. Sending the man flying through the air into a nearby tree he impacted with a sickening crunch. In moments that seemed to drag on for hours the melee ended, nine men dead, the two remaining facing eachother across the carnage. Zathrus, bleeding but still alive, due in large part to not having been directly involved in any of the fighting. And a lone Aiel, one arm hanging bloody and useless to his side, a single spear clutched in his good hand. The man pounced, Zathrus brought his blade up and managed to deflect the first thrust, then the second and third, then providences second appearence of the day as the Aiel tangled his foot on a dead man, losing his balance for just enough time for Zathrus to bring his sword down, cleaving the man from shoulder to stomach."


    Eight men, and two of the black veiled savages had killed 7 of them. The memory still haunted Zathrus's dreams on nights. And despite his brave face, fear had driven the young man west, into the waiting jaws of yet another invader from another land.


    The Seanchan did not demand much from Zathrus, but they did make finding work as a guard difficult. He had packed his armor away upon entering their lands, after hearing that the invaders would snatch up any able bodied soldier into their army. With that rumor and the fact that one of them had tried to take his horse. Zathrus had stayed off the main roads as much as possible. Now he sat, closer on Tanchico then anywhere else. Wondering what his next move would be.

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