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News item Comments posted by AFEPRIWLHK

  1. On 9/5/2021 at 6:57 PM, Saetana said:

    I'm frankly sceptical about this series - it sounds nothing like the books to be honest.  I'm a Prime subscriber so will give it a go but I remember how disappointed I was with Game of Thrones compared to the books.  This series sounds like too much drama and not enough character development - and yeah Rand and Egwene NEVER get it on!  It looks suitably woke for the 21st century, although I will admit the CGI Tar Valon looks pretty good.


    On 9/5/2021 at 6:57 PM, Saetana said:

    I'm frankly sceptical about this series - it sounds nothing like the books to be honest.  I'm a Prime subscriber so will give it a go but I remember how disappointed I was with Game of Thrones compared to the books.  This series sounds like too much drama and not enough character development - and yeah Rand and Egwene NEVER get it on!  It looks suitably woke for the 21st century, although I will admit the CGI Tar Valon looks pretty good.

    You do realize that NO film has EVER lived up to the book!!!!

  2. Damer Flinn,


    Apparently, you have not read all the posts above. Otherwise, you would have discovered that the version Jason read still has to go through the final editing/proofreading process before it is polished enough for Tor to release it to the general public. And digital copies still have to go through the same process; realeasing it in digital form is not as easy as you presume.

  3. In this WOT fantasy world, a letter for the ages (pun intended). Along with many others I found myself quite emotional during the reading of this letter. I do not quite know why as I consider myself to be a rather stern and curmudgeonly sort. Be that as it may, I was truly touched by Jason's thoughts. I, unlike so many others (probably a vast majority), have only read through LoC but fully intend to read the rest before many more seconds have expired (What is that old saying? The road to hell is paved with great intentions?).

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