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News item Comments posted by LavenderDog

  1. And Rand destroying the Domination Band and Semirhage saying it's impossible could be a reference to Rand possibly having used the DO's Source, and that being impossible without the DO's say-so...??? A random idea that I think makes sense, since Rand goes really dark and gloomy, and all his ta'veren activities in the city he goes to after (can't remember which one :S) were all bad things happening. Make sense to anyone?

  2. How about the country on the other side of the Aiel Waste? Has anyone even considered that they might have something to do with anything? And also - I think it was in Towers of Midnight, not too sure though - there were Aiel-like men with red veils who seemed to be cannibals. I think they could be important too, maybe - just a random train of thought... :)


  3. I do think it will be the wolves to save Lan's army, because Rand's busy wuth his politics and his army at Merrilor and Mat's still oblivious to the fact that Caemlyn's being attacked by trollocs. I'm just wondering how Elayne will react to the Caemlyn/Trolloc thing. AND I do remember that RJ said at one stage that Gaidal Cain wouldn't have a very major role to play in the story.


    And one last thing - I think that Rand, Mat and Perrin will survive the whole thing, and Lan and Nynaeve. At least, I really hope those five survive. The rest - not to sound horrible - I don't mind so much. And what about Cadsuane? What'll happen to her?



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