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News item Comments posted by Zewe

  1. I thought it was common knowledge that it was only a possible future. There'd be absolutely no point in it otherwise; a factual future is unchangeable, and knowledge thereof defeats any and all motivation in the present, as the result is a foregone conclusion. The visions are a tool - they warn of likely/possible outcomes of present circumstances so that future Wise Ones can take the correct course(s) of action to prevent the worst.

  2. @theLivingNightmare great post and all, but one small-ish issue:


    Who over the age of 30-40 seriously plays games on a handheld device? Not very many, I'll tell you that..


    A huge number of people in that - and all - age groups, really. Mobile gaming - cell phone apps, not things like the PSP and 3DS - is the largest and fastest-growing platform for gaming in all demographics, especially the 30+ one. While I've found very few mobile games worth a damn myself, the business sense in such a decision is undeniable. At least on paper. Had they not been promising us console and PC games for years and years and years now, this wouldn't be nearly as offensive. It'd be downright welcome, in fact. But not from REE.

  3. "An ethical company would have sold the rights to another production company that has a better chance of releasing product. But instead, REE has held on to the rights to WoT, knowing full well they cannot fund (much less complete) any of the products that they have promised, and as a result, the fans are the ones who get punished."


    This. Exactly this. That's all that needs to be said on the matter.


    What I'm having trouble understanding, though, is why no high(er) profile company has approached REE with an offer, given the series' popularity. I'm certain REE would sell if the bid were decent, and we'd all be so much better off for it.

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