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News item Comments posted by Nargs

  1. Aren't we supposed to see 3 impossible things before the end of the series? I am pretty sure this is from prophecy. I believe we've seen 2 of them. (Healing stilling, healing taint). We've yet to see the 3rd. Healing death would fit with the theme and healing death is the only other "Impossible" thing left that is alluded to in the series.



    1 - you cannot heal someone over and over while they are alive to allow them to live forever. How could you make them Immortal if you have the ability to heal death? The body degrades to a point where it can no longer host a soul.


    2 - The DO only has a small window to snatch souls. Nyneave would have this limitation as well. 3 days? stretch... but maybe that window is dramatically increased for ta'veren. OR


    3 - If the decaying corpse were inside a stasis weave aka "Tomb"? The body does not decay.... allows the soul to hang onto the body longer. Perhaps this is what increases the length of the window.


    4 - I predict that the soul does not leave the body immediately upon "dying" but rather it hangs onto the body until the body reaches a state of decay that no longer supports life. Once that point is reached, the soul is permanently gone from the body until rebirth. If you manage to heal the body before the departure of the soul (thus preventing departure), you're now able to "heal death" with the right weave.


    5 - Regardless of whether or not the previous prediction is correct, I also predict that Nyneave will heal Rand's death but will afterwards fail healing Lan's death but have no idea why she cannot. She cannot delve for his soul to "grab" onto. (missing the window)

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