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Posts posted by Arlinnia

  1. Well I am not sure where to start. I like to talk about myself, my family, school, Robert Jordan, Lord of the Rings, and so many other things. I do not mid talking about almost anything and I have some health issues so I do not get out a lot to socialize so I tend to me really wordy in posts and talking to people online, my mother says I’ve lost my ability to know when to not talk and let someone else. Online is sometimes easier because you can look at things more stop and go than waiting in real life to see if you can talk…so in real life sometimes I over run people by jabbering away. I am currently enrolled in school online pursuing my BA in Psychology to help people like myself with major life illnesses, and their families, by working with them as a counselor/therapist and helping them deal with their situations offering more than just a ear. I want to offer ways to cope and communicate with others, as well as themselves, because it is easy to close down or not talk or deal with a situation where an illness is involved and sometimes it is hard for others to really understand. I am hoping as someone who has dealt with and still dealing with her own chronic illness I will be able to better understand the patients needs, their family needs and how to offer hope and guidance so they can live a more fulfilled life, just because you have a chronic illness does not mean you have to stop living.


    I love Robert Jordan, I fell in love with the paperback of The Eye of the World in a little country store in the boonies one summer while visiting my grandparents after graduating high school. Needless to say, it was the only interesting book to me on the rack and the only copy so I suppose it was meant to be and just for me. I was instantly hooked and finished the book in three days. I was eager to get back to town, city of Tuscaloosa, as soon as I could so I could go to Waldenbooks and see if the next book was out. I proceeded to get the books all in hardback form from that point on also getting the first book in hardback. However, I would finish them way too fast unable at times to put them down until I was finished and wanting the next one so desperately I couldn’t stand myself. I became a Robert Jordan WoT junkie, lol! I had also introduced my parents and sister to him though my sister was still more into romance novels at that point to really appreciate the series. She would later get as hooked as we were but by that time I believe Jordan was working on another series as well and ill also which was not well known so it was causing delays in the books being published in a timely manner as they had been. So my parents shelved him and decided they would wait and re-read them all when he finished the series, well next year the series will be finished even though Jordan is now gone. I think they still intend to go back and re-read the five books they have and have read and get the others but I am not positive. I want to dig mine out from downstairs where I believe they are and begin rereading them. I do not usually re-read books because I have a very good memory and most stories, poems, songs, etc I can almost recall verbatim. I want to re-read Lord of the Rings series as well and can hardly wait for October this year when The Hobbit will be in theatres. I stopped reading them in like 2003 I know I read through book 7 but stopped not far into book 8 as I was working too much and spending a lot more time online roleplaying WoT and other thing then I became ill. I have rped on many a MU and now play LotrO (Lord of the Rings Online).


    My nephew is directly named and called Jordan the story of how is long but was largely influenced by me as was all of my sisters children, we are very close and as I have never married and have no children she helped me pick out all her children’s names and greatly influence her first and third child’s names. So her firstborn wound up beinf called Jordan and though her second by her first marriage is called Garrett not Michael one of the names he has is that for Michael Whelan our favorite artist, her daughter Katherine was named after one of my roleplaying characters. I think I must be very good at naming or helping to name. My brother and his wife have no children but a menagerie with non exotic gaggle of pets…heh….a dachshaund, a cat we know not the parentage of but it gorgeous and a fluffy version of Tom from Tom and Jerry being gray and white marked much like him, two red-eared slider turtles, a bunch of fish in tanks, some tropical some not, and most recently a schnauzer. I did have a cat a calico named Patches I had from kitten and was 10 who passed in January due to liver failure but it was very quick not even a week so she did not suffer much. I miss her a lot but a stray came up and adopted my dad and wouldn’t leave so he became part of our family before my cat passed and perhaps was a good thing as I think it help me cope and adjust to Patches being gone. Sasha is a mess and still young so extremely playful, my dad is his number 1 and me his number 2 mom mom says but he loves and spends a lot of time with her too. As loving as Patches but he doesn’t meow much that was one thing Patches’ did that was annoying is when getting her a treat or food she went into overdrive meow mode. Otherwise she was the perfect cat for me, much alike me than I ever could have thought in her need for love and affection and constantly hovering over me like a mom…again much like me. I tend to mother everyone….even my mom and dad, my siblings, nephews, grandmother, pets, friends, people I meet, I cannot seem to not care about people or want to advise them in good ways, I try not to go too far but I cannot help wanting to help and protect….everyone.


    Well that is a lot about me and much introduction, I think you see I have no fear of talking or sharing and I have many interests one of the most active over the years being all things WoT and Robert Jordan. Yes, I know that is only a pen name but that is who he is to me. There are some listed interests in my profile but a real about me is yet to be done.



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