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News item Comments posted by ThinkTankTed

  1. Wow.  I was a college student in Duluth, Minnesota, it was the fall of 1990 and I was really starting to get into the Grateful Dead.  In fact I had just purchased their latest album, "Without a Net" which has one of the most glorious versions of their song "Eyes of the World"  So when I was browsing the Fantasy / Science Fiction section of the Duluth Public Library and saw a spine that said "The Eye of the World"  I stopped "Dead" in my tracks and checked it out.  I remembered Robert's name from the Conan novels, but I was unprepared to be so completely pulled into the narrative.  It is one of a handful of series where I was consuming the books as soon as they were available and eagerly awaiting more.  It still hits me in the feels when I think about how he had to pass the torch to get the whole story told.  I think Brandon did an admirable job, and I was glad to get introduced to another excellent storyteller.  Of course, this calls for a re-read, amirite?  It's like the song says:


    The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,
    You can't let go and you can't hold on,
    You can't go back and you can't stand still,
    If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will.



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