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Posts posted by jtower82

  1. Hello everyone,


    I’ve started reading WoT a long time ago, but I didn’t have enough time to finish all the books that were published. Now I’ve decided to start all over again and I’m enjoying them even more than I did the first time.


    I hope I can finally find out how to pronounce all the names. My mother tongue is not English so I have many troubles with that. I’ll probably make spelling mistakes; anyway I’ll try my best.


    Might I suggest investing into the audiobook versions of the series. If you go to www.Audible.com and sign up for one of their plans you will save a ton of money, and if you decide to quit with them you can still use all of the books that you've purchased through them.

  2. Hey everyone! I've been a fan of WOT for about 7 or 8 years. I had a friend introduce me to the series. I decided to join the forums because I need people that I can talk to about the series. I've tried to get people into the series here but to no avail. I need someone to dork out with when it comes to the series. I've listened to all of the books at least 3 times. I used to have a job where I was able to listen to my radio all day and I pretty much spent my time listening to this series and the Dark Tower series. This series has quickly become my all time favorite books. My favorite scene is Mat, Thom, and Noal going to the Tower of Genji. You'll have to bare with me when it comes to spelling, as I've said I've only really listened to the books, I've hardly read them. Well I think I've rambled enough for now, time to start reading some posts!!! Thank you to everyone for making such a cool forum for people like me!!!

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