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News item Comments posted by N_Schaffer

  1. If you are not willing to pay 3 bucks to get this early you may not be a real fan.


    Totally untrue. Now, I do plan on buying this, but I can completely see the point of those that choose not to. Some simply don't want to read part of the book without access to the rest, and some refuse to pay twice for the same material. That is their choice, and in no way diminishes their status as fans. I appreciate and share your enthusiasm, but don't demean those that make the choice not to buy this.

  2. Along with the others, I believe this to be just a possible future. And after my latest reread, I believe the answer may be right in front of us.


    All of this is taken from Chapter 49, Court of the Sun.


    What was it to be Aiel, now that their duty to the past had been fulfilled, their toh as a people cleansed?


    This really is the central point of this whole sequence, IMO. The Aiel are warriors, and I don't believe there is any quick way that they will all abandon that, no matter their past. I don't see them returning to the Way of the Leaf, at least not quickly. Perhaps over generations, but not immediately. They grow restless during this peace, and need some greater cause or purpose to unify them.


    Interestingly enough, there is another problem that is mentioned just a few lines further on.


    "This peace of the Dragon's will not last long, anyway" [...] "Skirmishes between the nations are common, though none speak of them. The Car'a'carn required promises of the monarchs, but there is no enforcement. Many wetlanders cannot be held at their word, [...]"


    I found this VERY interesting on my latest read. The very peace that Rand forges before the Last Battle appears doomed, because of lack of enforcement and untrustworthy people.


    Hmm.. if only there were a group of people that could act as enforcers of the peace, a group that placed a high value on honor and honesty, and could, if necessary, act as a deterent because of superior military might. A group that could, in fact, remain warriors, have a use for their skills, and yet ultimately be committed to peace. I think, in this very chapter, we've seen what the future Aiel may in fact become.


    Now, of course, there is more to it than that. This same section is the one where the Seanchan Empress is mentioned, and I believe this entire point is moot unless Tuon survives, and there can be some understanding between the Aiel and the Seanchan. But ultimately, I believe the Aiel in the future will be peace keepers and enforcers, and will find in this a new calling and purpose.

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