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News item Comments posted by jersteph78

  1. have read each book at least once. Eye of the World has been read 3 times. The Rest of the series up until Crown of Swords has been read twice. From that point forward I switched to Audiobook so that I could listen at work. Been getting the audiobooks from the library and want to add them to my collection.

  2. 1995 in high school. One of my better friends, and sci fi geek was reading it. Not being to much into Sci fi I pretty much ignored it, Until I saw that one of our mutual friends, who was also the girl I had a huge ass crush on was reading the books, then I decided I had better give the books a shot, if anything just to have something to talk to her about. I ended up falling in love with the books, and nothing ever happened with the girl. Over the years now I have bought Eye of the World 5 times, having loaned it out 4 and never getting it back. I no longer loan this series out.

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