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News item Comments posted by murphwi1

  1. OK so just finished the second one so posting here as well (months and months after the last post).


    I always had a thought that Tuon would be one of the three. It does not seem that power matters with the a'dam so I have assumed (perhaps wrongly) that power would not matter with the male a'dam. Always though with the idea of tying the Seachan to the cause that it would be fitting for Tuon who is tough as nails to be one of the two with Rand. I always thought Nynaeve was the other and that Alivia's role was different. Perhaps she can bring him back to life . . . .

  2. New to the site. Avid reader though I don't think I can match most of you in terms of your analysis. Wanted to start from the beginning on the Theory posts so started with first. I have read the series many times, and currently on TGS with ToM to come next (for the third time). I think I will need to re-read again before the final book comes out!


    A couple of thoughts from one who expects to learn a lot from the folks on this site: (1) I always thought the future in Avi's visions reflected at the time a failed attempt to unite the Seachan to the cause by Rand (his first attempt with Tuon) (not the post LB Seachan truce); I think perhaps united them will help change the future. (2) A Remnant of a remnant has always been an intriguing riddle to me: So what is the first remnant - the Aiel? What are they a remnant of? If yes, what is the remnant of them? Seems the tinkers and gai'shain exist already but perhaps that is problematic. Tinkers or gai'shain could be the remnants but then what is the remnant of them? Love the thoughts.

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