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Paul Pasche

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News item Comments posted by Paul Pasche

  1. I think that Aviendha's futrure has to come true, because the Seanchan have a cycle that they are following, too.

    Artur Hawkwing conquered this continent, then for reasons unknown, sent his son(heir) and an army across the Arynth ocean. Shortly after, Hawkwing dies and his empire crumbles into dozens of petty kingdoms.

    The Seanchan empire controls all of Seanchan, and sends the return to rebuild Hawkingwing's empire under the empress's heir Tuon. Then we hear that the empress is dead and that civil war has broken up the Seanchan empire.

    So, it seems to me, that, Tuon and Mat's decendants will need to control this continent, before going back across the ocean for the next return.


    Off topic, am I the only one that thinks that Olver is Gaidle Cain? I know that the time line doesn't fit, but everything else seems to. Ugly-jug-eared kid,being taught weapons by the redarms, (be a blademaster before he's twelve) taught stratigy by Mat, (be a great captain by eighteen) I don't know...the Wheel Weaves...

  2. I recall that it was mentioned somewhere that it was Stayer that went to the finns. Moraine might have recoginized Luc as her relitive, which he appeared in emonds field, but not Isam, which he appeared in TA. Moraine never met Lan's cousin, Malkier was destroyed before the Aeil war. Might have seen a family resemblance to Lan.


    Also,loosely on the main subject, we've seen glimpses of most of the forsakens' lives during AL, Lanfear opened the bore,Semerhaig was a doctor, Ishy a philosipher, Rand remembers LT giving praises and honors to Samm. None of them were locked in the bore with the DO, noone remembering the DO...Meaning that after TG, the bore should be rebuilt anew, no hole or seals, noone locked in with the DO. So Moridin/Elam, and all the rest, were not born Forsaken. Each has mentioned the time that they pledged their souls. Even some as-to why. Grendaal wanted to be head of education, Demandred and Samm envy of LT, Sem doing experements on people. Ofcourse, that would be after Lanfear drilled into the Bore. Her reason was jealousy of Illyana and her obsession with LT. That doesn't mean that their souls were not destined to become forsaken. Rand had to follow he destiney to get where he is now. Guess I'm rambling now....


    Moridin may have helped Rand progress on his way to TG, but Moridin want's the DO to win, break the wheel of time and forever end the turning. The other Forsaken want power under the DO, Moridin wants the end, oblivion.

  3. Back to the Horn. When Fain took the horn from FalDara, He wrote on the wall for Rand to fallow him to Falme. Later, when Fain was in the White tower to steal the dagger back, he didn't look at the horn twice and just left it there. Seems to me that he didn't even care about the horn, just rand.He could of taken the horn and killed Mat later to sever his connection. There has been no real effort on any darkfriends to get the horn, just alot of worry by Moraine. Hawkwing said the heroes had to follow the Dragon and the Dragon Banner. I don't think that they would follow a darkfriend. Course if the dfs got the horn then Mat couldn't call the heroes at TG.

  4. I completely agree. For the longest time, I had no idea what to think of Verin. But in a reread, it really confused me in "Great Hunt," that she figured out that one of Moraine's village boys was someone to pay attention to, and then chase after them on their way to Falme. And then again when she helped Perrin purge EmondsFeild. She has always been an enigmatic character. Then the scene with Egwene, just gave me a whole new respect for her...

  5. Ba'alzamon could not have been the DO, no matter how the series progressed.(stand-alone or series) Rand had an "umbilical cord" of light, Ba'alzamon had an "umbilical cord" of dark,connecting him to the DO, which Rand severed. We saw a similar one attatched to Asmodean in TGH when Rand was chasing him in the skimmers. Rand cut Asmodean's when he captured him for a teacher.

  6. I really like the Nynaeve/Lan connected t the Pattern theory. I think the Last Battle plan will be Nynaeve being "ordered" to bring reinfforcements to Lan, and not with Rand

    The "Tuon question" In the Gathering ot the Storm, Semerhaig and the df Aes Sedai, each had a bracelet to the male adam when she made Rand strangle Min. As said b others, Tuon has intiment knowlege of a'dams, and she could make "The Dragon Reborn kneel before the Crystal Throne," as empress, she is. And it would be a "bond" with the Nine Moons, which she also is.

    As for the second, Alivia, if she is a df,could kill Rand. But, as we saw when Rand and Matt attacked Camlyn against Rahvin, Matt and the Maidens were killed by lightning. Rand chased Rahvin through the palace and used BaleFire on Rahvin cancelling Rahvin's recent actions, and Matt and the Maidens were alive, although confused as to what just happened. Matt has been dead TWICE!

    SO! Rand can die in the lastbattle, but if the forsaken that killed him is then BaleFired, cancelling their recent actions, Rand would then be alive. And we know that Moraine has used BaleFire on several DarkHounds...

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