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News item Comments posted by bojesphob

  1. I still find it temendously amazing that people who have been waiting paitently for so long can see a push back of 2 months and utterly flip out.


    Seriously, people, you already have 2/3rds of the book! Had they done the one complete volume for the last book, we'd still be waiting for even the first part.


    What is it about people these days that they have to think that because it doesn't fit their preconception of what is a reasonable amount of time, that they have to make it sound like they are being inconvenienced and put out by it?


    I have been waiting patiently for the last of these books just like everyone else, and to be honest, I don't care how long it takes them, as long as it comes out in my lifetime. Harriet and Brandon are actually going out of their way to make sure you have the ending to a fictional story. They didn't have to finish it, they could have let it die with Robert (and thank God they didn't!), and I would have been completely understanding of that decision. Do you not have anything better to do with your life than to moan about having to wait another two months for a book? Talk about first world problems....


    Harriet, Brandon, thank you TREMENDOUSLY for taking the time that you have to finish this series. Losing Robert was horrible, including that he wasn't able to complete the work that he devoted so many years and put so much effort into. Knowing that you care enough to honor him with your efforts puts at least myself at ease knowing that I will not be disappointed with this last book!

  2. I'd like to question the assumption that it was a "small amount" of balefire. I know that Moiraine isn't nearly as strong as any of the Forsaken, or even the Emmond's Field channelers, but she was still no slouch, considered among the more powerful Aes Sedai of the time, and she had an angreal. Why is it we think that she used only a small amount of balefire to kill Bel'al?


    I don't have any direct quotes, but weren't all modern Aes Sedai taught that Balefire was to never be used? Moiraine was breaking a pretty big rule by using it, and I would think that even though she did use it, that she might have been... um pulling her punches?.. so that she didn't cause any collateral damage. Rand never really concerned himself too much with what damage he cause with it, but I don't think Moiraine would have been so callous about it. I could easily see her thinking to herself "Balefire will be the only course of action here, but I don't want it to be too powerful lest I kill someone else that's important to the Wheel.", and using only enough to vaporize him.

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