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News item Comments posted by Timewalkerauthor

  1. I don't really see the issue as either/or, with regard to what Perrin and Mat will do at the last battle. Maybe we are used to thinking of battles as unique, discrete military engagements; but all the discussion of the Last Battle that I can recall seems to indicate that it's more a series of engagements--or perhaps a variety of fronts at the same time, or a mix of those two possibilities. Consider: When Lan is seen riding into Tarwin's Gap, it's described as the beginning of the Last Battle. Surely it is not the entirety of Tarmon Gaidon. So, it's entirely possible that Mat, Perrin, and maybe even Rand himself will actually lead their armies into battle, before they actually get to Shayol Ghul. They can then enter the Bore when the time is right. It seems to satisfy all the evidence that way.

  2. Hmm, must have missed the text that was released with the painting. That would have simplified things before everyone started commenting...I tried zooming in on the page, all the way up to 400%, and it looks like there really is no blue jewel, as someone mentioned above. On the other hand, it's a little hard to tell, but it looks like there actually may be a dot on the forehead of the women in yellow...a ki'sain, maybe? And I seem to recall Nynaeve's braid being singed off at one point, though I could be wrong.

  3. Hmm. If this is supposed to show the two women that join in a circle with Rand, it kind of gives the lie to all the theories that Alivia would be one of them, and that that would be the way she would help him die...Isn't she described as a tall woman? Moiraine (clearly the one in blue) is very short, as pointed out numerous times...Nynaeve is also not known to be tall, though not as short as Miraine; in this art, the two women like to be of similar heights. I can't imagine it being anyone but those two, really. And clearly, this is Shayol Ghul, the tunnel to the pit of doom.


    Overall, great work. I was worried that the painting would take some wildly different direction, but this one is very much in keeping with the rest of the series. I would still like to see the Darrell Sweet painting included as is, inside the cover or something...but we'll see. It's true that Michael Whelan paints better faces and figures, but he stayed true to the tradition Darrell established. Awesome!

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