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Posts posted by wphodges

  1. She's a know-it-all. Not so much in a knowledge sense (although she does know a lot from Siuan's training), but more as in "I'm right and everyone else is wrong." I hate to generalize, but I would bet that most people in the world are bothered by that. Who here can say they enjoy listening to someone like that? I think the term "know-it-all" pretty much sums it up, and that's why Egwene bothers so many readers.

  2. Isn't there a part in one of the later books, after Egwene is raised to Amyrlin but before she is captured by the Tower AS, when she says to herself something along the lines of she knows that she's in the right, because she has the whole world to take care of? I have no idea which book it's in, but that part always bothered me. It was a very audacious assumption that, even at her young age, she knew what was best for everyone, better than anyone else. I know she's really smart and was trained well by Siuan, but what an arrogant statement. Can anyone help find that chapter?

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