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News item Comments posted by blackwolf0728

  1. Ok, first off, I have been reading this series sence it was first published, and having more then a year between books has happened before, While I dont like it, this is the LAST book in the series and if Harriet wants to take 2 years to make it perfect then fine I am cool with that, she does what she does for both her husbands memory and his fans. I really doubt that tor will hold the book for marketing reasons, because most people that have not read the book will not buy the last book in the series first. They will release it when they can. I have seen entirely too many long book series that the author just got tired of writeing the books, and it looks like the last book or the ending trilogy was just called in just to finish it, sword of truth for instance, However Mr. Jordan was writeing up untill he died, and he seemed to LOVE his charcters as much as we his loyal fans do. Brandon has taken up the challenge of finishing the series in such a way that Mr. Jordan would have wanted, as well as how Harriet wants. While i know it sucks to wait for an entire year more to finish this series, we the fans should be thankfull that at least it is being finished, instead of having it dropped off because the author died.


    just my two scents

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