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Posts posted by Jimmyrun

  1. First off we need to look at the foretelling that Tuon received which can be found in KoD Chapter 36 Under an Oak:


    Beware the fox that makes the ravens fly, for he will marry you and carry you away. Beware the man who remembers Hawkwing's face, for he will marry you and set you free. Beware the man of the red hand, for him you will marry and none other.


    In looking at the foretelling that Tuon received we can break each part down into multiple things that happen. First, the 'fox that makes the ravens fly' is Mat's signet ring that he had to buy which shows a fox chasing two ravens and nine cresent moons; Second, the 'he will marry you and carry you away' is when Mat actually says that Tuon is his wife in the stables in Ebou Dar and then proceeds to take her with him out of the city; Third, 'the man who remembers Hawkwing's face' is accomplished through Mat's memories from the Finn's (can't remember which off the top of my head); Fourth, the 'he will set you free' is when Mat allows Tuon to leave with Karede; Fifth, 'Beware the man of the red hand' is because Mat is the general who leads the Band of the Red Hand; and Sixth, 'for him you will marry' is when Tuon actually completes the marriage ceremony Mat started in Ebou Dar.


    All of that shows how each individual part of the foretelling was accomplished but the important thing is the "second part" that Tuon was talking about. The first time I read this it confused me as well but after rereading it and looking at it closer I think that she literally means the second part of the foretelling or the second sentence which says 'Beware the man who remembers Hawkwing's face, for he will marry you and set you free.' Tuon ask's Mat if he remembers Hawkwing's face and I see it as her suspecting that he lied about this because we see from Tuon perspective in the book that she is very good at detecting lies. Also, when he set her free to return to Ebou Dar with Karede it confirmed to her that he was indeed lying because putting the fact that he remembers Hawkwing with the fact that he set her free fulfills the second part of the foretelling.


    I don't know if this is what you were looking for but that is how I see the foretelling being fulfilled and also that is what I see as the "second part" that Tuon was talking about.

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