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Hit in the Head

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News item Comments posted by Hit in the Head

  1. Grift,


    That is freaking brilliant.


    As for linking to learn, from the Grifter mentioned Asmodean chat, Asmodean mentions that teaching the flows is much easier in a circle (I think it has something to do with being able to see/feel/guide the flows while being in a circle). I'm not sure if channeling via an aid such as an angeral, circle, etc. would allow one to channel more.


    I've always seen this more like an aid or a spotter in weight-training. I've thought that you would gain more strength in the power if you channeled unaided than not.

  2. @Mark:


    I was commenting on how, from my humble perspective, this is going to be quite a task for Brandon to sum up the theories that he probably should (For example, prophecies left unfulfilled would leave us feeling the same way). Though, it's pretty awesome that you were able to do a First, Second, and third from that little statement.


    Jonno: impressive.


    Despothera: Love the blog, love reading the (many many) theories. Good stuff.

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