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Posts posted by mackoY-kun

  1. -Can males see Saidin being woven, like women can see Saidar woven? Why hasn't there been a duel between male channelers like there was with Moggy and Nynaeve, where they were consistantly cutting each others weaves?

    There was, when Rand and Asmo were fighting over the Choedan Cal.


    And your problem is not your own. I also once thought that only the Women can see Saidar being woven. And the Men can only "feel" Saidin being woven. I was dumbfounded when my brother explained it to me. It seem that the difference was with feeling the ability in another channeller.

  2. If you talking about "Hot" in the sense of the Book, it's either Mierin a.k.a. Lanfear portrayed as "The Most Beautiful Woman in the AoL", or Berelain portrayed as "The Most Beautiful Woman in the world" in the current age.


    If you're asking popularity don't add Rand bitches on the list. There are a lot of hater of them.


    If you talking about personal taste, each person will have a different answer.


    Me, my personal pick is Mierin (Lanfear). I have this thing for crazy ass bitches that want world domination/power/fame/wealth and all that.

  3. She's just a typical Saldaean Wowan throwing a tanrum and trying to play at game of houses.



    My question is while captured in salidar, why didn't Moggy just grab a BA and have her remove her a'dam?


    She doesn't know every BA agent there is. Maybe she didn't know how to contact any of them in the Salidar Camp? And I'm not quite sure, but does she even know how to open the collar? None of the BA certainly would not know how.

  4. K, another question related to this:

    What will they do about suldam, since now, with the forkroot testing, every the women(or man) that can channel, sparks or no sparks, are being outed out?

    Since the adam works on suldam, forkroot will work as well, right?

    They'll have too many damane and not a single suldam to control them. Poor Seachan.


    hmmm... I can see the end of the Seanchan Empire with only this. Unlimited Damane and no Suldam. Unless we are misunderstanding the effects of forkroot.


    Who does forkroot work on?

    Does it also work on those that can learn but has not yet learned to channel? (i.e. Tuon/Fortuona) (This will equate to the end of Damane).

    Or does it only work on those that have learned to channel already but not on those that have the ability to learn. (Then Damane Empire will continue on)

  5. Q: Is it true that the Three Oaths is why Aes Sedai [mumble mumble] I thought it might be because, when you try to avoid the Three Oaths, you get a lot of dangerous situation [mumble mumble]...

    RJ: No…now you have to be careful with this, because this is a kind of spoiler for people that haven’t read far enough, but the Oath Rod is what was in the Age of Legends called a binder. It was used on criminals. If you committed a violent act, or some sort of criminal act, with a binder, someone who could channel could be constrained from ever doing that again, and the result of having three of the Oaths, is the ageless appearance. One would not produce agelessness, but even one would shorten life, and three of them put a cap on Aes Sedai’s lives, on how long they could live.



    here's the quote. I don't know what was wrong with the link with you but it worked fine with me.


    RJ pointed out that is bound channelers.

  6. An enormous sphere made of the finest crystal on a dark hilltop. It sparkles in the light of twenty-three enormous stars. There are cracks in it and it is help together by ropes. Rand walks up with a woodsman axe and chops the ropes. The sphere breaks apart, falling to pieces and Rand shakes his head.


    Anyone have any idea of the "twenty-three enormous stars", in Egwene's dream of Rand breaking the seals? Aiel clans plus nations of the world? 11 Clans. 4 Borderlands. 5 under Rand; Arad Doman, Andor, Cairhein, Tear and Illian. 3 Seanchan control; Altara, Amadicia and Tarabon. Then Ghealdan. That's 24 total without counting Murandy if indeed it is under Demandred.



  7. Dalresin Damodred


    A high ranking Cairhienin noble of House Damodred. Brothers Aldecain, Moressin and King Laman. Father of Taringail, Anvaere, Innloine and Moiraine. He is a scholar.


    This is from encyclopedia-wot.org. If this is correct, this make Moiraine "Anut" to Elayne, Gawyn and Galad. I'm pretty sure both Elayne and Moiraine was in Tear when rand took Calandor, but don't show any indication that they are related. Do they know they are related? If yes, why do they not at least say "Hi Aunt AS Moiraine"/"Hi Niece Daughter Heir"?

  8. I've been reading the summaries of the Books from "encyclopaedia-wot.org", and I've found that the comment about white cloaks smelling "wrong" from the wolves' perspective as well as Perrin's. Is it just me or is there some other explanation for them? For me, as I understand from reading the Books, they are sort of fanatical, and Byar is an extreme example of this. That's why the 'smell' wrong. They are too "zealous" compared to other people.

  9. What? I was pretty sure that what happened with Noam the first time was not actual communication but just an influx of emotion. Elyas let's the wolves talk with him and he has also accepted them, that's why he "runs" with them. If wolfbrothers can somehow communicate with other wolfbrothers through wolf-telepathy, I don't see any reason for Perrin not do it with Elyas.


    I understand what your saying that Elyas maybe pulling off on being wolf, but I don't see it hindering his wolfbro to wolf bro telepathy, in fact he wouldn't he embrace that? being able to talk with another wolf bro means he is closer to being human, if that is what is is pullling at.

  10. Sorry, I'm not very familiar with ToG, which is that?


    On a side note, why can Perrin wolf-telepathy Boundless when he is actually a Man?

    I considered that he might be dead (I can't recall anything that contradicts it, though it might seem highly speculative to some to assume that Noam would go, or stay there when he died). But yeah, it could just be because he gave in to the wolf. Elyas never really did - not like that. Perhaps even less than Perrin. He just found a balance.

    I think Perrin notes that Boundless is in a physical location outside TAR?


    hmm...? I don't get what you mean. :rolleyes:


    And I'm 90% sure that perrin thought that he regretted that he could not communicate with Elyas the same way with wolves so he can know what he knows when Elyas went scouting earlier on in Faile's capture. I think that traslates that wolfbrother to wolfbrother telepathy does work. If it doesn't work in the real randland world why should it be different in TAR?


    @Terez: I'm actually reading the summaries in encyclopaedia-wot.org, and saw what you said. Elyas says he avoids the wolfdream. He's probably an averange Warder(if you can call a Warder average :smiles:), not the super hero taveren variety that Perrin is, so he avoids it.


    Then with the timeline with Nynaeve, it's all messed up. I'm having trouble setting it up in my mind in a chronological order. Egwene is supposed to already have taken the tower by the time she sends her summons in her dream, Elayne also gets this summon.


    Light-bulb Flash! (As I was writing, an idea came to me)

    Oh! In tGS and ToM BS purposely did not write things concerning the BT. And the last three Books is supposed to be one 1 last book. I'm going to bet that the aMoL will also have simultaneous events occurring with the other two books.

    Maybe by the time that Nynaeve goes to the BT, things have already been sorted out? :rolleyes:

  11. Sorry, I'm not very familiar with ToG, which is that?


    On a side note, why can Perrin wolf-telepathy Boundless when he is actually a Man?

    And why is it that Elyas is never mentioned to go to the "Wolfdream" aka TAR?

    Has Elyas' AS ever been revealed yet? If yes, who is she?


    More additional Qs;

    At the end of tGS, Egwene notes that the rebel's emissary to the BT has not reported for quite a while and that they should have been able to because they can travel (and Nynaeve travel to their camp to get Lan's warder bond), even if it is just to report that they have yet to bond Ashamans because of a delegation from the Tower previously under elaida (Tarna and Co.)

  12. Re: Mesaana's alter ego being on stage (for Joshua)



    The only major interaction she had was during Siuan's arrest, where she smirked at Siuan. She was also the one who brought in the mason's who began the fighting. After that she faded into the background (as is Mesaana's style).



    Re: Mesaana's alter ego reveal (note: contains specific spoilers about that reveal so original question asker may not wish to read)



    I found the whole reveal surrounding her a bit underwhelming. It might have been interesting if Egwene hadn't intuited that she had somehow gotten around the Oaths (say if Egwene had assumed she was one of those who weren't on Verin's list who fled when the Blacks did, or that she was disguised as something other than Aes Sedai), then the Danelle reveal would of had the weight of 'oh crap, the Oaths aren't inviolate.


    This is the problem with hardcore theorizing. We pick up whats what and it becomes underwhelming. I reckon its the same as why most people find the Tower of Ghenjei scene boring, because we knew it was coming--though in hindsight I reckon that will make a great re-read scene. *sigh*.




    I don't remember seeing anyone post how she does this. The trick with avoiding the Oath Rod was obvious; like every AS knows it's in the wording. I think it's BS being not as good as RJ in putting it into words. When rooting out the Black Ajah what they require the sisters to say is "I am not Black Ajah." which in Mesaanna's case is true, she is not Blacj Ajah, she is a Forsaken/Chosen.




    I think the scene at the Tower of Ghenjai was boring not because we all expected it, but because we expected it to spectacular which it was not. Now here I'd say that RJ didn't have enough notes for BS to make the scene Glamorous. Or maybe it is just that BS is lacking? RJ was able to make the scene of Ingtar's sacrifice in being left behind heart rending by claiming in the last possible moment that he was DF when he didn't reallly have to, he could have taken it to his grave and no one would be the wiser, but he did tell and also tell of a from the heart desire to return to the light and right what he had done wrong.


    While with Jain's case, he was "left behind" just so that mat could figure out that his Ashandarei is a key out of the tower, that if he had figured this out beforehand, Jain wouldn't have needed to die. Also he knew it was useless to him the the tower, why did he bring it along? Just a stupid plot device?


  13. Most of the significant female characters are all super self centered;


    Egwene: thinks she is always right and just bullies everyone around. (even is Nynaeve does too, she does it in a way that is not very insulting, at least to me)

    Elayne: same as Egwene. Also she pushes the Kin around like their her property, all the while supposedly "thinking of them as her people", when she actually thinks of them like property.

    Cadsuane is the same. They all think in a way that say, "I'm more all knowing than everyone else".

  14. According to Brandon, she killed him personally.

    Well you would know better than me about what he said. But afaik, he only gave an accidental slip, saying of Asmo's killer, "Well Graendal...", then realizing he wasn't supposed to be answering that, backtracked & said something along the lines of "...is certainly a good candidate."

    lol. That's what he said at the AMOL panel last JordanCon, talking about a discussion he had with Matt before the beta reading.


    We badgered him on this point, and finally got him to say in Paris that she did it herself:


    ]Towers of Midnight book tour 16 November 2010 WH Smith, Paris, France - Jonathan B. reporting

    [/font]I also asked about how Asmodean was killed now that we know Graendal was responsible for his death. Brandon said that when he arrived at Harriet's and asked to see the ending and got the pile of Robert Jordan's notes including the ending, on top of that pile was a message from a fan in the form of a dialogue between a Sherlock Holmes character and a Watson character with a note from RJ saying 'this is right'. Emily asked if it was from Matt Hatch and Brandon didn't think it was. He said that he can probably send me that message so we know exactly what RJ said 'this is right' to.


    This is apparently all of the information that is available from RJ himself about the actual method of Asmodean's murder. In Brandon's vision of the story, he imagines Graendal killed Asmodean (did the deed herself) with balefire, but apparently this is not in the notes. So its possible that it could have been done by another kind of weave and we are free to speculate on that.


    Thanks Terez, that is the only theory that makes absolute sense.

  15. There is a reasonably solid answer if you check the appendix in ToM under Graendal. As to how, we haven't been told and it is all conjecture


    ToM Glossary;


    Graendal:One of the Forsaken. Once known as Kamarile Maradim Nindar, a noted ascetic, she was the

    second of the Forsaken to decide to serve the Dark One. A ruthless killer, she was responsible for the

    deaths of Aran’gar and Asmodean and for the destruction of Mesaana. Her present circumstances are




    Capital "WTF!" Usually, I don't read those, but, WTF!


    Was it explained how she did it? I don't follow the authors' blogs, so if they said it somewhere I don't know.

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