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News item Comments posted by JoelThatcher

  1. I love this post and the responses.


    Yes, there were hints about Moraine and Thom in book one, but you really had to pay attentiong and look for details. Mr. Jordan did such a good job of throwing obscure hints. Book 4 pretty much made it bluntly clear that they felt for each other (under Mr. Jordan standards...)


    Tuon has yet to declare she loves Mat, but that is simply because she can't see it herself, but all the hints are there. And Mat is simply smitten! Through all his grumbling at what he thinks it means to be married (quite comical really, kind of like what a lil toddler might think!), he would have it no other way.


    Nynaeve and Lan are an awesome couple. It is because the compliment each other so much. Its not just two pieces coming together to make a whole. Its kind of like one of Perrin's blacksmith puzzles. They have so many bends and shapes that it looks like it would be impossible to fit anything together with either of them. Then, somehow, the master blacksmith just slides the two pieces together in a way you could never imagine and tada, a true masterpiece. Love them!!!!


    And Rand's relationships!!! OMG!!!

    -- With Elayne: It's like a royal relationship. It gives Rand someone who will help guide him in ruling nations, understanding the Wetlanders as a whole. I think this is probably the shallowest of his relationships, but no doubt they love each other, and truly need each other.


    --With Aviendha: This is really a relationship that binds him to the Aiel. Helps make them feel like they are his people,and not just an army. Though, he is a slow learner in that area... This relationship is really forcing Aviendha to see who she truly is, where her place is among the Aiel.


    --With Min: Wow, this one is probably my favorite, because I love down to earth people, and she is down to earth! She is what grounds Rand, and what leads him back to who he really is deep inside. She is not impressed with crowns and thrones. She loves the man, not the Dragon, but rather the silly farm boy who couldn't speak properly in front of a beautiful woman.


    --The three women together, cover all the aspects every man wants, whether he knows it or not. Hey, women are complicated, we love them that way. :)


    Perrin and Faile: An everyday couple, with all the quirks that we all have. You could picture them living next door. Fiercly loyal to each other, willing to do ANYTHING for the other. You simply have to love them!


    My two cents.... I could go on for a while.

  2. Sorry all, no soul swap, no evil Rand 2.0. None of these theories follows Jordan's writting style.


    When all seems lost, thing will go wrong, Rand will realize that he has to die to kill Moridin, thus they will help him die.


    The day that dawns twice will be literal. Time will have been destroyed, or close to, and Rand's sacrifice will save mankind, the day will dawn a second time giving them victory.




    What must be done? Sacrifice,ppl, sacrifice.

  3. I personally think the Ogier will play a big part in the last battle, and singing may be involved. I believe Loial will lead them to the Last Battle.


    Remnant of a Remnant just means a very small number will survive. Already the Aiel have suffered huge losses. They will suffer many more fighting the last battle.


    I believe Aviendha will attempt to do for the Aiel, what wasn't done for Robert Jordan and others who fought in Vietnam. Help re-integrate them back into society by giving them something important to do or to achieve. He may very well be giving us a peek into what he felt when he first returned to the states.


    Loved the article though :)

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