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News item Comments posted by Redshield

  1. I've also wondered if Slayer actually had a connection to the 'Finns. The only reference I can think of is when he disappears near the Tower of Ghenji in TAR. Any others?


    Speaking of the 'Finns, Mat is certain that they know what is in his head because of his previous visits to 'Finn-Land. If that's the case, what about Rand? He entered the doorway in Tear, do they know what he's thinking/planning? How does that play out in the Last Battle?

  2. Lanfear turned to the Shadow because she was scorned by Lews Therin. The only way I can see her turning back to the Light is if Lews Therin takes her back and "erases" the scorn. Unless that happens, she will continue to be a woman scorned, whose fury hell hath no. Seeing as Rand already has 3 women, I find this highly unlikely.


    Moridin has always seemed causually evil to me. He didn't enjoy doing evil, like Semirhage, he simply did evil to accomplish his goals. Still evil, still wrong, but I could see him turning to the light if he could be convinced it made more sense. I doubt we'll see it, but I think it would be more likely than Lanfear.


    The scene where Rand cleanses Saidin is complicated, but it explains that he creates a conduit with Saidar that connected Saidin with Shadar Logoth. He scrapes the taint off of Saidin with the evil of Shadar Logoth. I don't think that could have happened anywhere else.

  3. What if the sword IS a sword? Rand finds he has to kneel to the Empress to get her to ally with him. As a token, he surrenders Hawkwing's sword Justice. Fortuana carries that sword and joins forces with Egwene.


    I thought it would be Leilwin at first, with Egwene being the Amyriln Seat, it seems way more likely that a woman with the power of an empire and the ability to channel is the most likely to be able to save Egwene.

  4. Good stuff as always Despothera!


    I really like the idea that Perrin finds the song. He is always conflicted when the Tuatha'an are around. Having read your comparisons between Perrin and Sir Percival, perhaps that conflict is his affinity for the Way of the Leaf versus his sense of duty to act against evil. I recall reading early in the series that Perrin never sings because he's been told he sounds like a frog being stepped on, but he seems to have many connections to the Tuatha'an and singing. I think you're right on that one.


    So Aviendha had resolved to take the Aiel back to the Waste, and even as she was thinking this Nakomi arrives. They have a discussion where Nakomi leads Aviendha to think about the future of the Aiel, and then Aviendha sees the bleak future of the Aiel in the glass columns. Some have speculated that Nakomi was really one of the Forsaken in disguise, but I doubt it. I don't pretend to know Nakomi's source, but I think she had the Aiel's best interests in mind, and led Aviendha to consider the best way to lead the Aiel into the future.

  5. The phrase "the one whom Death has known" makes me think the Broken Wolf is Slayer. From the other dark prophecies, we know that "one did live, and one did die, but both are." Also, there is the fact that he especially likes hunting and skinning wolves in the Wolf Dream. Slayer is shaping up to be Perrin's nemesis, and an anti-wolf theme would make sense.


    Perhaps, (and this is reaching a bit) either Luc or Isam is a Wolfbrother. That would cover a lot of things; the Broken Wolf, since he's serving the Shadow; his affiliation with the Dark Hunt, since the dark hounds are wolf souls; his enjoyment of hunting wolves, and his hatred of Perrin. That is pure speculation, but it seems to fit.


    As for his destruction bringing "fear and sorrow," perhaps the fact that Luc is Rand's uncle and Isam is Lan's cousin would be enough. The revelation that these long lost relatives of the Dragon and the King of Malkier are actually alive (sort of) but are fighting for the Shadow could have substantial impact. Or, it could just be that the destruction Slayer causes will "bring fear and sorrow to the hearts of men." Either way, my money is on the Broken Wolf being Slayer.

  6. The theory suggests the third will be Nynaeve, but I've thought it would be fitting for it to be Moiraine. It would be a fitting role for her to play now that she's back, and she's the only Aes Sedai with decades of experience that Rand can trust. Min's viewing suggests that Rand will fail without Moiraine, and it would make sense for her to be in the circle weilding Callandor at the end.

  7. If the Aiel are wiped out, maybe the remanent of a remanent are the gai'shain who refuse to put off the white when their time is up. They re-devoted themselves to the Way of the Leaf, and to service, but there will be no one to serve. When the Aiel first make an appearance, Urien quotes one of their prophecies; "When the Trollocs come out of the Blight again, we will leave the Three-Fold Land and take back our places of old." Those gai'shain would turn to the Aes Sedai and take back their places of honor and service.

  8. I just started my next read-through, and came across something interesting in The Great Hunt. When Mat calls the Heros of the Horn to fight the Seanchan, Artur Hawkwing states, "We have come to the horn, but we must follow the [Dragon] banner. And the Dragon."


    It would be awesome if Mat was no longer linked to the Horn, and a Darkfriend blows it, only to have the Heros turn on them! It would be like that scene in Braveheart when the two armies are rushing at each other, only to stop and greet each other, then turn on the enemy. I think that would be a dramatic role for the Horn to play, and sweet justice in the Last Battle.

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