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Posts posted by KorasSendero

  1. Koras waited but nothing happened. Teal had joined them but Koras did not hear what he said he was fully focused on the Aiel. He had to control the damage he'd make on first touch. Most of the mentees blew stuff up, since men were strong in Fire and Earth, usually. He did not know what the Aielman’s strengths were.


    OOC: By the way write down your elemental breakdown the two of you...




    But nothing happened. The Aielman grabbed Saidin, he was almost glowing with power. "A strong one" Koras said. He thought of the great potential - with the man's Stamina, Weapon abilities and mental preparation - he would make a great Asha'man one day. Koras cut Jureal's connection to the One Power (OOC: Not everyone can, I am a bit stronger with spirit). "You see, the One Power is not something you take for granted. Appriciate every moment you have with it" he smiled and let the man fall down, letting the Air weaves off. He still held the spirit razor blade that held the man from touching the source. "Now, you try it Teal" he repeated the instructions he gave Jureal and waited. He did not know how Jureal would respond to the temporary cut-off. It was like letting the cat watch the milk, then letting him lick the milk, and then taking the plate away from the cat, while the cat was hungry for more.


    OOC: Okay Teal you're next to touch Saidin. After Teal posts, Jureal can post that Koras let him touch the source again and this time use Saidin (you can bury Koras underground with Earth or something). If Jureal is mad at Koras now it is the time to attack with hope to gain advantage - since Koras is holding a spirit shield and trying to control damage from Teal.


    Good luck men!



  2. OOC: Sorry for the delayed response, its holidays and I am home with the kids (less puter time).




    "Well" Koras lit his pipe and inhaled. "The road to become an Asha'man is not one. There are parallel paths you go. Officially you have to master some One Power skills and get other training that we in the farm find necessary for your mature self, as Asha'man. Unofficially, I've prevented rank from those I found unworthy, until they've proved me wrong. Or until they died trying..." he sucked on his pipe some more. "Asha'man is not only a rank, but also a status, and a form of commitment to serve who you call the 'Car'a'carn'. So now I want the two of you to tell me what your expectations are from our training until you're Asha'man, and what do you want to achieve as an Asha'man... that is before going mad and being killed..." he gave a cynical smirk. He wanted to hear the men out. "Also, I want you to tell me in short what defines you, by telling a short story about yourselves".


    He smiled and waited for the stories to come. The food was good, but he enjoyed the setting around the fire much more.


    OOC: If you have questions do not hesitate to ask on the BT board, or PM me.


    Koras Sendero,





  3. Hey Seth,


    Do not worry about it at all. I hope you saved your post, so that you'll simply post it on the Farm board later, when your BIO is approved. Trust Arath that he will do it as fast as he can (he's a busy man).


    Hope to Role Play with you soon,






    Sorry about that. Been testing at school all week and totally missed this. Checking it right now.

  4. Errr..


    Dear Seth,


    My fault.


    I guess I should have guided you to read instructions both on this forum and on the main forum called Welcome Inn..


    We have RP boards for roleplaying. For example if you want to roleplay in the farm you are to go to a board called South and there there's a board called the Farm.


    Perhaps you do not see it yet, because your biography was not approved. Did you send your biography to our Division Leader Arath? If not I suggest you'll contact him and he'll explain to you how it works. Also there are Biography writing instructions on this forum.


    So what you should do is:


    1. Read insructions on all forums (Welcome Inn, Biography Instructions, Dragonmount conduct etc.).

    2. Contact Arath and send him the Biography. Have him approve it (it takes a while because sometimes there are corrections).

    3. Write an opening something like you did on the Farm board (South).


    So for now save what you wrote in MS-Word or something and remove the posts (and the bio).


    Thank you,




    PS - Arath if I said something wrong please correct me, and help Seth here.





  5. Welcome Seth,


    We're glad you have joined,


    My name is Koras and I am going to train you in the near future until you'll reach the Asha'man rank.


    When Bio is approved write a welcome RolePlay - which I can also join if you want (or do you have anything planned?).


    If you have any more questions you're welcome to PM me (its on the upper right hand side of the screen - if you're new to Dragonmount as well).



  6. OOC: Okay guys, great first posts. Let us take it further.




    Koras stopped at Teal’s question. Jureal stopped and turned away, not meeting Koras` eyes. “Supplies? I will hunt them down, and you will pill their skin off and fry them. You keep forgetting that” Koras channeled and an arrow of Air was sent towards a random rabbit that gave them a weird gaze on Koras` right hand side. It hit the rabbit between the eyes and it fell down almost silently. “You’ve asked for it, use your knife to clean it. Jureal, let’s see if we can make a fire here” Koras did not consider hunger. He is to take a better care of his mints. A small pond was also nearby where they will be able to drink. The mentees were running pretty well so far.


    After food was ready they have sat beside the fire. Jureal did a good job in starting it, and Teal worked well on the rabbit. Koras weaved Air and swirled the rabbit on top of the fire. They were resting. The day was receding, the sun going down. “So before we continue into our night run I wanted to tell you that all my mentees went through such journey in order to turn from recruit to a Soldier - the first rank in the Black Tower” they would stop at the pond around ten miles away from their location and it will be their last stop for today. But not before eating and talking a bit. "Any questions you may have I want to hear them all? I will answer them as long as it is nothing personal, and has a connection to the Black Tower” Koras wanted to hear out if the mentees had any problems and questions regarding their first days in the tower.


    OOC: Okay guys let’s start a small conversation before leave-taking again. Koras wants to hear if you have adjustment issues, and questions. Then he will tell you a small story of a battle.





  7. Hey Teal welcome back mate


    so I shall explain,


    In the training I meant that the weapons are to be taken for next lesson, and the trip is continuing right after the laps.


    The second thread -We sorted everything out and now Jureal is to touch Saidin. If Jureal doesn't mind then Teal comes in just before that, and I will explain Teal the procedure as well and they will touch Saidin in the same time. The other option is that Jureal will touch Saidin, and then Teal will come in and touch Saidin. I prefer option 2.


    The situation with the Aiel uniform has resolved anyways, and he's punished because he wants to be now.


    I will post in the next couple of days on both threads - sorry for the delay I had a small 5-day workshop I attended in another city.







    And I posted in both threads, booyah! Good to be back, fellows.

    I was confused in the first training thread as to what we were doing between the trip and the weapons training: was Teal supposed to bring his weapons with him on that? I assumed so, so I just had him bring a spear like koras's,and I guess he's carrying both of them.


    And in the other thread, I wasn't sure how to have Teal react other than being upset that his friend is being "punished" to a reason that looks to him to be unfair. But we'll see if Teal can get into some trouble himself, or maybe even be able to harness the anger of the situation in some way. We'll see how that goes?


    anyway, good to be back.

  8. OOC: Good choice Jur. Nicely played.




    Koras has buried a little smile – he was glad. Not because he enjoyed torturing his mentee, but because he wanted to break his mentee and turn him into an Asha’man. In the Black Tower everyone were equal – Kings, Lords and now Aiel.


    He was proud of his mentee, who was able to swallow his traditions and bend towards what the Lord Dragon and their leader Arath expected. Koras had a sad thought regarding Dalinar who was not with them anymore. He will have to visit his grave, if there is one. Most Asha’man died by fire unfortunately. But Dalinar did not go mad. He was killed.


    “Alright, I will let you hang there” Koras did not want to humiliate Jureal by turning down his request for more punishment, although the reason for the punishment was gone now.


    “But, you will get a small bonus” Koras said and stayed next to Jur – although he did not enjoy watching the naked mentee hanging in the cold air upside down, and he did not enjoy the cold, even with Saidin and with his black coat on. Koras twisted the weaves and Jureal was still hanging, but now with his feet down.


    “You will touch Saidin mentee” Koras said. The goose bumps on Jur’s skin got thicker. “I hope Teal won’t be jealous. Let the cold enter your body, let it burn you on the inside, focus on it – on the pain you feel, or do not feel” the man was Aiel after all. “Now, let everything vanish from your mind… close your eyes, do you see the flame?” after a few moments Jur nodded slowly as Koras guided him towards the True Source. “Grab it! Now!” Koras said, voice enhanced with Saidin, and constructed a shield of Air around himself, letting the Aiel touch Saidin. This could end up badly, but Koras hoped that it will go smoothly, without explosions – at least this time.




    OOC: Okay- This will turn into Saidin 101 – when Teal is back we’ll let him join in. Have fun!





  9. Koras couldn’t help laughing out loud. The naked Aielman was hanging with his head down, speaking so calmly, about his savage beliefs, calling Koras a treekiller. Well, Koras was Cairhienian once, but now he wasn’t sure what he was. He certainly wanted to kill more than just a tree when he looked at the savage.


    “My ‘chief’ did not like you strolling around in your clown’s outfit savage!” Koras raised his voice, enhanced by tainted Saidin.


    “And he’s no chief. He’s a Tsorovan’m’hael and you will respect him as if he was the creator himself. You’re so far away from the Dragon in rank that he doesn’t exist as far as you can tell. See Jureal, we are a hierarchical military organization – I don’t know if this means anything to you, but what it means in reality is that if you do not follow our laws and rules you will be punished until you either will follow these rules, or severed, and kicked out. You understand? Shayol Ghul will grow butterflies before you will wear your outfits here. I will let you think about it overnight”. Koras smirked. The weather was perfect for that kind of punishment. It was so cold that night, Koras wanted to run home and sit by the fire. “Tomorrow morning you will either come to your senses or leave the tower, and this is coordinated with our…” Koras laughed again “chief. You will not leave before I will personally gentle your one power abilities. Though, I would hate to lose a mentee who can outrun me”. And with his softening note, Koras turned around and were about to leave, as the Aielman has spoken again.





  10. Koras was still a bit exhausted from yesterday’s trip with his mentees. They were soldiers now, training to become Dedicated and then Asha’man. He smiled to himself. He missed his family, but he missed training mentees as well, while he was away in Doman.


    The sun was kissing the day goodbye, and the cold became hard to tolerate. Koras channeled to keep himself warm, and lit his home made cigarette using a small bit of fire. Just enough One Power to light the fire, but not enough to burn the barracks. He was standing next to the barracks smoking. He was on a hunt that evening. His eyes narrow, he was leaning against the barracks wall, one foot on the wall, one on the ground. He hoped that his pray would go running or something. He couldn’t hear steps before the Aiel appeared. Light they were quiet, the savages. The Aielman was wearing his barbarian outfit. Koras smiled. The rumor said that Jureal has burned the black coat. Koras` first reaction was to smite the Aiel and behead him. But then Koras got a hold of his urge and decided to treat the situation in a more delicate way.


    “Hey mentee” he called Jur from behind. The Aielman turned, lifting an eyebrow. Koras channeled Air. The weave was around Jur’s legs and he was on the ground. Koras started walking, moving the thread of Air along with himself, dragging the Aiel behind. The Aiel went for the spears but another weave of Air neutralized Jur’s hands. Koras brought Jur to the training grounds. He knew they wouldn’t be disturbed there so late in the evening. He lifted the Aielman up in the Air – The Aielman was hanging head down, feet up and looking at Koras. Surprisingly the Aielman did not scream or change his facial expression. “Feisty that one” Koras said to himself and put off his smoke, with his foot.


    “Now, from this day on, you will wear the black coat, on duty, during training and as far as I am concerned – while you’re asleep” he made a thrust with a third weave of Air and cut the Cadin’sor in half. “You are a

    servant of the Lord Dragon, and if you want to serve him as part of this Tower you will bend towards its rules”. The Aiel was hanging buck naked in the cold air now. Koras waited for Jureal speak.


    OOC: Okay! Lets have some fun!



  11. Err so you want Koras to sit down next to the fellas in the dining room? Or meet them after food?


    I thought you guys would either end it yourself and move to training - or - if you do not have enough posts for first RP we can RP as if Koras schedules the classes for tomorrow.


    What do you think?


    So, are you going to post again continuing our starting thread? I think it might be your turn Koras.

  12. Teal, Jureal - the training post is up. If I wrote something there that you'd want me to change please tell me so.


    Arath, I would like you to read the posts at least in the begining to make sure I am not making a mistake in how things are ran in the tower.


    Other feedback is always welcome.


    I think there are Deds who need training as well - if so please write to me, and we'll make a different post for it. If there are more soldiers who want to join in please write as well.





  13. The roosters have just ceased their calls, and the first rays of sunshine came through the shutters of Koras` windows. He was already awake and smoking a pipe near the fire, getting ready for his first training since his return. He did not know the current standards of training, but he heard rumors that some still remember the Koras laps he made his mentees run around the tower. Teal and Jureal the two new newcomers who he thought of as his new mentees, although he realized that the mentees system was not working as before, were supposed to arrive at first daylight straight to the training grounds. He looked in the mirror, and ran his right hand in his hair. He did not look a lot older than he did when he left the Black Tower two years ago. He became a father since. Did it soften him up? He shall find out today. He was wearing the black coat first time in the past two years. Two pins decorating the coat`s collar. The Dragon was his from before leaving. He kept it all this time when he was in the big world. The sword pin got lost, so he took one from Arath’s office.


    Koras stepped out of his house, his spear hanging by a belt behind his back, Saidin keeping his warmth, preventing his bones from freezing. The black coat was hardly enough to keep a man warm in this part of the world. He missed Arath Doman – his family was there, and the Aryth Ocean.


    The training ground was empty except for his two mentees. They were not soldiers yet, no matter what they told them in the headquarters. They would still need to pass Koras` journey for the Soldier rank. And it would not be an easy one. They will be Soldiers by the end of this day, which would last forever as far as they will be able to tell. They did not know what they were about to gain and lose in the training. He broke the newcomers, the kids, and made men out of them - guardians. Those who will go mad or stand back to back with the Dragon in Tarmon Gai’don. Koras hided a small smirk as he saw the fear in Teal’s eyes and they empty gaze of the Aiel. He will test the legends about the Aiel. Will Jureal snap?


    “Attention!” he barked, and the two men looked at each other, not knowing what to do next. “When I say attention, recruits, you have to get in line, hands behind your back, and the man on the right is to salute fist to chest until I will salute back. Then he is to return his hands behind is back. This is how it is done” Koras illustrated the Attention stance. “When I say at ease you go to being at ease. Next time it is not done properly, you will be punished. Your training program begins today. My job is to make excellent Asha’man out of you. From what I saw until now, I wouldn’t let the two of your carry water in Tarmon Gai’don” he turned to the Aiel “or whatever you redheads call it”. He smiled as he thought he saw anger going through the Aiel’s face. He was not sure the Aiel will respect Koras` authority being a wet-lander and worst- a tree-killer. Koras will make him respect his authority, by crushing Jureal’s tree with his boot. He’ll thank him later. “What I see in front of me now are two lost men, who need guidance. And guidance you will get. It is one of the last times in your life when mistakes will be punished with physical exercise or pain. Punishment for mistakes as Asha’man will be a lot worse. In the end of it, you will be warriors of our Lord Dragon – or however you Aiel call him” he turned to look at Jureal, giving him a long meaningful gaze that said – mess with me and feel my wrath.


    The recruits stood in attention and awaited orders. “If you newbies thought you’d be touching Saidin today, you were wrong. Before a new recruit is allowed to channel, he should first become a Soldier first. Follow me, and I will show you what I call the laps”. Koras lead them outside the tower. “The tower is more or less round in its perimeter. We’re going to do one lap now as a demonstration, and from now on when you will have to do laps, you will know what it means”. Koras started running. A commander is always to set the example for his men. They did three more laps around the tower after the first one and went back to the training ground. The three men were sweating but none seemed tired yet. “Each one of you will have to choose his weapon-of-choice before the next lesson which will be tomorrow; you can go to the blacksmith and tell him your preferences. In the end of our program you will get better weapons, but for now wooden versions will do just fine. Teal you are to bring a long wooden tipped spear for me as well, since we will do weapons training mostly by sparring” he tried to reduce the uncertainty, because he wanted the men to be focused on training only.


    OOC: Write your weapon and OP scores before you post.


    Back to IC:


    The men weren’t in a bad shape, since he knew recruits who fainted after four Koras-laps. Koras had the feeling that they thought it was the end of training.


    “For an Asha’man to serve as a Guardian he must be in top shape. You will follow me on a trip now, which will end when I will say so. We will do it running, low pace first. I am sure you Aiel will be able to outrun even me, but we shall test his hypothesis”. He’d make Jureal carry Teal if the journey would go as Koras intended. He turned his back to the men, and started running, hoping the Aiel won’t find a sharp object to stab him in the back. He held Saidin just to be sure.




    OOC: Okay guys lets go on a small 100 mile journey in the forests around the farm. This will be your first adventure and training. It will count as a non-channeling training. I assume that the men will arrive weaponless to the first training. Jureal will probably use Aiel-spear?

  14. Arath nodded to Koras in answer to his goodbye and Koras opened the door. He saw three men standing - one an Aielman, being a Cairhienian his hand wanted to go straight to the sword, but Koras figured quickly that the man was a newcomer who wanted to join the tower. The other man... he couldn't tell straight away of his origin, but he was also new, still wearing civilian clothing. The third was a Ded Koras did not know. Koras shut the door behind him. "Waiting for Attack Leader Arath eh?" Koras said with a smirk. He was not wearing his coat and pins, but he made a face that meant do not mess with me. "I used to love it when newcomers arrived. Let us not bother Arath. I'll show you guys where we eat". He gave the Aiel another gaze that meant one wrong action and your head is off.


    Koras must have sounded weird dressed up like a civilian, giving orders and all. He wasn't sure the Dedicated would appreciate Koras` tone but he did not really care. He was happy - he was not hung for taking a two year leave without any notice. That was a reason to celebrate with a few nice mugs of ale. "I am Asha'man Koras by the way, and I will do a lot of training to those who need it in the near future" after that - who knows when he will go mad? He laughed to himself suddenly and started walking towards the dining room, hoping the two noobs would follow. He wanted to get acquaintance with the Dedicated as well, but he interested him less in that moment, since he will probably get his Asha'man pin soon, and will not need to be trained. Koras always gathered power through training mentees who followed him blindly afterwards, and he intended to be influential in the tower once more, like in the good ol` days.


    Koras Sendero,




    OOC: Okay - a bit cocky but Koras can be like that sometimes. You'll get to know him. Lets start training. I am starting to write a thread that both Teal and Jureal can join. If Baran needs training/sparring we can do it in a different thread. What do you guys say?

  15. OOC: Thanks Arath, I know it was hard for you to find time. Just to wrap it up before training starts:



    Koras couldn’t hide his smile. “And training would be my favorite part, as you probably remember” he said with a grin. “I will go right ahead and catch up with the fellas in the dining room. I am guessing Smithie will find me a place to stay in the barracks, since my old house is probably taken” Koras left his bag where he stood in the entrance to the farm. The Storm Leader nodded, and Koras did not ask him about his rank. Asha’man would be appropriate, since he is to train all those Dedicated and Soldiers, but he still did not ask.


    “With your permission” he said, and left as the Storm Leader nodded once more. After two hours he was well fed, and his bag was lying under his new bed. They found him a small house, much smaller than his old one. Apparently it belonged to an Asha’man who got mad recently and burned himself in training ground. Interesting, Koras thought, who will live here after the madness will take me?


    <BR style="PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE: always; mso-special-character: line-break" clear=all>




  16. Alright fellas who need training,


    My return RP is over and Arath gave me the permission to do training.


    So who is interested? Let us begin.


    I can do either group-training for faster results or individual training. Those who are interested post bellow, and we shall coordinate the RPs.







  17. "I'm willing to take your answers on faith, but you should know that your life hangs upon them. First, I need to know why you're here. Light knows we need you, but given recent events, I have to question your timing. Why are you here now, after being gone for two years?" the other man asked and anticipated Koras` answer.


    “Well” Koras scratched his cheek. His life was precious to him but he knew that madness was near. He felt a bit of relief having the One Power with him again, but light knew he would never misuse it on a fellow Asha’man. He answered as honestly as he could: “Is it a good timing then or just an odd one? I do not know what happened in the past two years and I do now know the situation of the tower. From the way you look away every time I ask you about Dalinar, he’s dead right?” Koras inhaled smoke, and let it out in a burst as Arath nodded. Kor will deal with his friend’s death later, as he intended to deal with Zbynek’s possible death. Sometime soon, after the last battle perhaps.


    He opened his mouth, after a short hesitation. “I am here because of two reasons. Both are very selfish and interconnected. I felt in my bones that Tarmon Gai’don is near and decided that dying is best in combat, protecting the idea that made me who I am – an Asha’man – guarding and keeping common folks out of trouble. The duty of killing the bad guys - essentially. The other reason is that I felt madness approaching me and I did not want to risk my family. So if I am to go mad, like an old dog that has rabies, I will be put out of my misery here in the tower. Or at least if I am to die of madness I will at least take a few Dreadlords along with me”. He finished his short speech, and waited for Arath to respond. He took an ashtray and put out his rolled smoke.


    Koras Sendero, Asha'man,


    Savior of those who need saving (but who will save me?)



    There is no good nor evil only a game of interests.

  18. OOC : Tell me if I over Rp-ed you - I can edit it afterwards.

    Koras is a bit aggressive - best defense is the offensive.






    "I'm afraid Dalinar won't be able to meet with you Koras. But you can come with me. I'm sure we have a lot of things to discuss" said the man who was once Koras` mentee but now he seemed in charge here. He did not like the tone of his voice when he spoke of Dalinar. He hoped Dali was okay and just away on some trip with his Aes Sedai friends. The man nodded towards the Citadel and Koras was happy that it was the old one-on-one and not some public trial or lynch. That was already better than what he imagined would be the worst case scenario.


    “So…It's certainly been a while, hasn't it?” asked the Storm Leader who lead him. He could barely recognize the Soldier that Koras has trained two years ago. The man got sterner, grew tired. Koras understood that very well. This man and the tower needed men like Koras who could command and take responsibilities both in battle and outside it.


    “Yes well, you can say that. I remember that by the pace things were before I left two years were indeed a lot of time. I managed to have two kids in two years” Koras said. The other man kept walking and they entered the Citadel. The Storm Leader did not respond, but lead him to what seemed to be his chambers. Things were different here. Someone had resources to repair the place. Koras remembered it differently from when he was a Storm Leader.


    “As to where we can start I will say as an introduction before you will make accusations, and judging by the shield hanging over my head you are going to make them, that the world and thus the Black Tower divides into two kinds of people. I don’t mean on general but on the subject of blood seeing – those who seen blood… blood of their friends spilling out, next to them in battle, blood of the enemy when his head bursts off in a quick slash, and those who did not see blood and think that this all can happen theoretically someplace else. Well my dear Storm Leader Arath Faringal“, Koras himself was surprised that he remembered the man’s name “I have seen blood of my friends. And I’ve spilled other’s blood as well. You need men like me to fight in Tarmon Gai’don. Do whatever you want with me; I am ready to answer all your questions”. Koras took out another smoke and had a question mark expression about the legitimacy of him smoking in front of the Storm Leader.

  19. OOC: First part is better done by a SL (one of the council members) , best by Arath.Then everyone can join (especially if a trial is going to happen). I am going to NPC my brother at some stages as well.




    A strong atypical to that season of the year wind was blowing through the trees, that surrounded a small camp. The men were all asleep except one guard. The guardian… Asha’man Koras thought with a small smirk over his face. His head might be placed on a spike pretty soon, if doubts and questions will be pointed towards him as he will return. Return to the place that was home once. Return to the place, which represented the greatest paradox of all – The endless and intoxicating but yet so dangerous – Saidin. The male part of the One Power that has weaved the fabrics of time. Koras was just a small thread, so delicate, that every tug on it would make it tear. His life was now entering a crucial crossroad. The tug will happen, but where will it take him, that he could not foresee. If he would think that death was certain he would not come. But he had doubts, and the small chance he could bring change before going mad kept him going thus far. It was better to go mad around people who could kill him at once, and not beside his wife and children. This philosophic thought passed while he was exhaling the smoke. He constructed a small cigarette for himself, from some leafs he knew would be good for that purpose. He dried them up for three days, keeping them under his saddle.


    Riding was what they did for the last few weeks. He could not stand the voice of hooves hitting the ground, the smell of horses answering the call of nature, and everything going backwards in fast forward. He could not enjoy a decent bed or have a nice meal. The two years of marriage made him softer, if anything could make Koras Sendero softer. He finished his smoke, and grabbed Saidin. Kill them all now, except your brother, run away towards the White Tower, and kill as many Aes Sedai as you can. “Shut up Zbynek” he said as he pondered upon why he was talking to his probably dead friend. Zbynek hated Aes Sedai more than he hated Dalinar when he made him do dishes after a nice dinner. The sun was coming up already, and everyone will be awake soon. They were only half a day away from “The farm”. The recruitment group that Koras has joined has left the tower around six months ago. Koras hoped that there was a place to return to. Or perhaps he hoped that everyone who remembered him died in a strange fire, and now he would return to a new place. Tabula rasa – or what they call it. The strong wind did not make the impression that it would slow down soon. He shivered a bit, and still held Saidin. He clutched to it like to his own mother. “Eron wake up” he said with a whisper next to his sleeping brother’s ear. Everyone knew that Koras couldn’t sleep, so they let him watch. They trusted him because of Eron and since they heard from Koras how eager he was to be an Asha’man again. No one in the group judged him; they thought he hunted down a Darkfriend who killed his buddy Zbynek. But questions will be raised - that was as sure as the sun rising every morning. Everyone in the group knew he was nervous.


    Eron got up first. “Ready Kor?” he asked, as he washed his mouth with some water they kept from their last stop near a small lake. “I think I am” he shivered again and rubbed his hands together. He finally let Saidin vanish from his body. Koras believed that the more you channel the faster you’ll go nuts. But he still channeled. It was like breathing to him. “I hope Dalinar won’t get mad at me. I left without a notice after all. And Eron… the truth can wait” he implied the fact that his brother knew the true reason why Koras has left the tower.


    Eron nodded slowly. “Let’s wake those bums up” he said and started waking up the staff, and kicking the new recruits. “These are soft as women” Eron said when he was done. “Good luck brother” he hugged Koras shortly and climbed his horse. Asha’man Eldor, the leader of the group started riding towards the tower, and the rest of the men kept formation behind him. They were to be ready for any scenario. As they were a few minutes away a patrol came over to meet them. Good – so the tower was still standing. The feelings were ambiguous in the small group. Eron, Eldor and York – that was the name of the third man from the recruitment group, a dedicated in rank, were happy to be back and do something except riding. Koras felt his guts twisting inside. And the three recruits they’ve picked up beside Koras were pale as if trying to escape a certain death. And death awaited, or madness and then death.


    “Who goes there?” asked a soft womanish voice. “Tomas, you don’t recognize old Eldor anymore?” Eldor asked with sarcasm. “Sure I do” Tomas said and signed the other five men with him to stop and relax. “Eron, York. Welcome back” Tomas said when all men were on the ground leading their horses into the farm. “Fresh meat?” he asked Eldor and looked over at the four fellas he didn’t know. The four, Koras in front, were walking behind everyone else. Koras was smoking again, waiting for the wheel to weave.


    “These three” he pointed at the three recruits “green as the grass in my backyard. The fourth one – he … well, you heard of Koras?” he asked. Tomas` eyes went wide. “That’s Eron’s brother? Thee Koras?” he was surprised as if someone told him that his mother was here. Eldor nodded. “We’ll have to let the council know about it” Tomas said and climbed his horse. “Omer, escort them, I have to ride forward” he said to his second in command and rushed into the tower. Koras was not surprised by the man’s reaction to his name. A Storm Leader that left his duty for some unknown reason. That story probably ran among the Asha’man, as a story of disloyalty or at least a mystery.


    They entered the farm, and Koras was surprised that Dalinar wasn’t the one to meet him. Three men guarded the gate and behind them a gathering has assembled. Citizens and Asha’man were watching the parade. It was probably not an everyday thing that a recruitment band was returning from Arad Doman and with interesting news as well. Eron ran up to a girl who waited for him, probably Kayra from Eron’s stories. Eldor went to his family. The three recruits were taken to a security questioning. And that was it. Koras stood there alone. He did not know where to go next, so he stopped and finished his smoke.


    “Koras Sendero” a voice said. “In the name of the Creator and the Dragon Reborn” said a voice from the small crowd that gathered in the entrance to the farm. Then he saw them coming out, people were moving around them to let them pass. No sign of the M’hael still. Only Storm Leaders. Most of them he knew. Most of them were Dedicated when he left.


    “I am glad someone here remembers me, beside my brother and my mentee Eldor. Now where’s Dalinar, I will be extremely offended if he decided not to meet his old pal Koras here” he smiled and tried to look amused. He was in the void, ready for whatever came next. Suddenly he could not feel the source. He could not reach Saidin. His smile turned into a frown.




    Koras Sendero, Asha’man



    There is no good or evil,


    Only a game of interests.

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