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Posts posted by ShevyCelebrity

  1. I have to go with Egwene's great idea of rallying everyone together to tell Rand NOT to break the dark one's seals. Just what was she thinking? Thanks for letting Camelyn fall buddy. Now why don't you just go play in the corner while the grown ups handle the Last Battle.


    WOW...I have seen Eggy blamed for just about everything on this site but putting the Shadow's attack against Caemlyn on her is a definite first. By that rationale the attack on Maradon is Rand's fault because he is the reason the Borderlander's left their post. Both are fairly ridiculous of course.


    As for being against breaking the seals. Let's see a man that as far as you know has taint induced madness, waltzes into the WT, says he is going to break the seals and set the DO free and then refuses to discuss the situation with you. WHAT was she thinking!!! You can disagree with how she is going about it as the book progresses, but a frist reaction of trying to stop it and questioning if he has a plan(which he refused to discuss and at this point the plan is let's hope Min figures something out from those old books) is a very valid reaction. Not to mention Rand, for whatever reason purposely antagonized her and AS maneuvered her into doing exactly what he wanted her to do.


    The attack itself was not her fault but with all of this madness going on around the world at this moment would you leave the capitol of the biggest nation basically undefended? and is it not Rand's duty to fight the dark one? It's like she is still hoping that the Last Battle is a far off thing which it is not. It's right around the corner and if Rand believes he is ready then by god I think everyone should support him. Rand has shown a stubborn streak in the past, Egwene especially should have been aware of that, did she really believe they could talk him out of something in which he has dug his heels in on?So because Rand is stubborn, no-one should ever try to change his mind? I hope these words don't come back to haunt you if you ever get into an argument with me. Rand gives every impression of his half-baked plan being utter foolishness - Egwene has damn good reason to oppose. Just because Rand has a duty to fight Shai'tan doesn't mean he should go unquestioned - he is capable of making mistakes and doing the wrong thing. And why is it such a mistake to take troops away from the capital? Aside from the fact we see the Band outside Camelyn in the epilogue anyway (it is Olver and Talmanes who see that Caemlyn is on fire) so the capital is not undefended, why should it be considered a major problem? After all, there is more to Andor than Caemlyn - to get to the capital, an enemy army would have to go through the Waygate (thought secure) or go overland - past the border that had its defences increased following rumours of an invasion. And if sufficient Channelers have been left behind, it should be possible to send a message to the FoM, and therefore bring the army to bear. Calling this Egwene's mistake is senseless. Only the Shadow can be blamed for Caemlyn - those on the side of the Light did all they reasonably could to prevent it.



    So, when is it an ideal time for Rand to break the seals? Tomorrow? The day after? Next year? Or how about now. When he feels he is ready. True, there is plenty more to Andor than Camelyn but now how many thousands will die? I know that in the Last Battle plenty are going to die anyway but how many could have been saved if only Egwene didn't strip the land of soldiers to make a big show to Rand that he shouldn't break the seals. I know perhaps if she went along with Rand's idea the troops probably would have been moved anyway but at least then they could have made a unified attack on the Blight. Instead they are all bundled up in one place. I'm not blaming the attack itself on Egwene. I know the attack would have happened regardless of what she did but I don't understand why she tried to rally everyone against Rand at the time he is going to need them the most.

  2. I have to go with Egwene's great idea of rallying everyone together to tell Rand NOT to break the dark one's seals. Just what was she thinking? Thanks for letting Camelyn fall buddy. Now why don't you just go play in the corner while the grown ups handle the Last Battle.


    WOW...I have seen Eggy blamed for just about everything on this site but putting the Shadow's attack against Caemlyn on her is a definite first. By that rationale the attack on Maradon is Rand's fault because he is the reason the Borderlander's left their post. Both are fairly ridiculous of course.


    As for being against breaking the seals. Let's see a man that as far as you know has taint induced madness, waltzes into the WT, says he is going to break the seals and set the DO free and then refuses to discuss the situation with you. WHAT was she thinking!!! You can disagree with how she is going about it as the book progresses, but a frist reaction of trying to stop it and questioning if he has a plan(which he refused to discuss and at this point the plan is let's hope Min figures something out from those old books) is a very valid reaction. Not to mention Rand, for whatever reason purposely antagonized her and AS maneuvered her into doing exactly what he wanted her to do.


    The attack itself was not her fault but with all of this madness going on around the world at this moment would you leave the capitol of the biggest nation basically undefended? and is it not Rand's duty to fight the dark one? It's like she is still hoping that the Last Battle is a far off thing which it is not. It's right around the corner and if Rand believes he is ready then by god I think everyone should support him. Rand has shown a stubborn streak in the past, Egwene especially should have been aware of that, did she really believe they could talk him out of something in which he has dug his heels in on?

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