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Posts posted by Shini

  1. Now that I read the ch51 from ToM, where Rand teaches Naeff the disguise weave and enters Far Madding guardians, I can see what you meant.

    What I can't remember is that has Rand gotten sick when he releases the source as well, or just when he first embraces it?


    I really don't feel comfortable discussing about these things, because usually when I think of something, it appears that I just forgot some crucial part, and then someone more experienced comes and just bashes me down :P

  2. Iirc, we haven't actually seen any pov from Rand when he has embraced the source. And we haven't seen it from anyone else's pov either.

    So it can be argued that the sickness might still be there, as there hasn't been any information on whether or not it happens.


    As you remember, the sickness really only comes when he first embraces the source, and it fades after that, which has allowed him to channel without problem after the sickness faded away.


    So all in all, I'd say that you can't really say whether the sickness still affects rand when he embraces the source or not, because we haven't been shown any example of him actually embracing the source on screen.

    And iirc, we haven't even really seen rand channel anywhere else other than Maradon, everything else was done by one of his asha'man.

  3. Darnit, I was too slow ^^

    Anyways, here's a quote from the The Crown of Swords when Rand is invading Illian;


    The residue of Sammael’s gateway hung in the air, the dissipating flows like faintly glowing ghosts. Not so faint Rand could not make them out, though. He began to weave, then stopped. He had leaped up here without a thought of a trap. If he copied what he saw exactly, he would step out wherever Sammael had, or so close as made no difference. But with just a slight alteration; no way to be sure whether the change was fifty feet or five hundred, yet either was close enough.


    I hope that helps a bit atleast :)

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