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Posts posted by Nezrall

  1. ok I have alot of questions about the forsaken from the earlier books cuz i dont have them so bear with me....


    1)was Lanfear's "domain" T'A'R? I remember that in like tDR she was talking to Ishy about it....


    2)was Moggy based in Tanchico?


    3) how did aginor die in the eye of the world?


    4) was there a forsaken based in Cairhien?


    and also


    5) are there male dreamers?


    6)if so, is Rand a dreamer because he can access T'A'R?


    7) also, if there are male dreamers, are all the male forsaken dreamers because they can all access T'A'R?


    thank you very much whoever answers these questions







    1. Lanfear's domain is T'A'R. It's been described that she has control over T'A'R that the other forsaken wish they had.


    2. Moggy never really had a base of operations, as she also operates out of T'A'R. She is is a;most as strong their as Lanfear.


    3. Rand seized the pool of power at the EoTW and consumed Aginor in flames. It was the first time Rand channeled.


    4. As far as we know there were no Forsaken based out of Cairhien.


    5. As far as i know, i don't think Dreamers are relegated to only being women.


    6. I don't believe Rand is a Dreamer. He's just an extremely strong ta'veren. Because of that, i believe the pattern reveals itself to him, to help guide him in some way, in what he must accomplish.


    7. None of the Forsaken are Dreamers, IMO. It seems to me that they have to physically enter T'A'R. From what I've read it just seems a logical guess. I know the Male Forsaken aren't. I can't really say about Moggy and Lanfear. Also anyone who can channel and is strong enough to open a gateway, can physically enter T'A'R if they are tought the weaves.


    I hope that kinda sheds some light on some subjects. However, i could be wrong about things.


    Moghedien is stronger than Lanfear in T'A'R, but far weaker in the OP.


    Heres my question: now that Saidin has been cleansed, is it safe to enter the ways again? I wonder with the taint gone what effect it would have on Machin Shin.

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