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Posts posted by coni

  1. 1. Rand - I have always loved reading from his POV because of how he has developed as a character. I do miss the old, boyish Rand though, I really saw myself in the old Rand.

    2. Min - I think shes perfect for Rand, and really wish Robert Jordan hadn't of done the weird 3 girl love square thing, and just left Min to marry Rand. She's fresh and funny, and I think she's a really unique character.

    3. Mat - As everyone else has said, hes absolutely hilarious, and quite a genuine person. I love that he tries to put off the air of not caring (or maybe he really has convinced himself he doesn't) while in reality he cares deeply about those around him. For example, when Mat is leaving to go to Ebou Dar with Elayne, he sees Egwene coming out and he publicly kneels and kisses her ring to show respect in front of all the other Aes Sedai. He's also remarkably astute, noting how she was alone.

    4. Moiraine - She's probably one of the smartest characters in the book, showing time and time again that she's tougher than old boots. I'm more than a little curious how she knows so many little, arcane details about random things when she spent very little time learning in the Tower, and then very little time in the Tower after achieving the Shawl. Just shows how impressive she is.

    5. Graendal - Worst name in the book, but I absolutely love her character. I'm pissed at what Sanderson made her into though: she went from being the smartest character in the book to a panicky, ineffective girl who wants to do "evil". She's the only forsaken I am actually rooting for, I will be a little sad when she dies, and I am curious who will end up killing her.

    6. Cadsuane - Once again, another brilliant character that was ruined by Sanderson. I understand it might be hard for Sanderson to write her POV becaus she didn't have many POV chapters, and because Cadsuane is smarter than him. She is an absolute star, and is, well, a legend. She shows that she will stop at nothing to achieve her ends, which is seeing the Dragon Reborn through the last battle. Tam Al'Thor calling her a bully was stupid, and shows how Sanderson failed at her character.

    7. Nynaeve - Yes, she is annoying, and yes, she is amusingly flamboyant at times, but damn this girl is strong! Not only is she a strong channeler (the battle with Moghedien was great) but strong in character as well. I love that at times she seems like a scatterbrained puffed up buffoon, but when times are hard, she gets down and does her business.

    8. Verin - I loved her epic death (the only word thats ascribed to Verin time and time again, epic). I always suspected she was Black Ajah, but was never really sure. It gave new meaning to when she said something along the lines of "It was nice to be sure of [Cadsuane] at last" (when they were in Far Madding). I always thought she was one of the most dangerous characters in the book, from the way that Robert Jordan always said she looked vague and unfocused, but then would have a momentary sharp, predatory gleam to her eyes.

    9. Jahar Narishma - Dude seems awesome. Despite the fact that I thought Robert Jordan was describing me when he was describing Jahar's physical appearance, I think that this boy (I think his age is early twenties, he's a couple years older than Rand, and Rand is 20 or 21) will end up doing great things. He's already shown he has huge cajones by walking into the Aes Sedai camp practically alone and sneering down on them.

    10. Lanfear - Who can't like the hottest woman in the world? I think that something about the fact that at any second she will rip out your spine with the Power heightens the sense of allure.

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