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Posts posted by sw0mp_d0nk3y

  1. The Rings of Power will definitely draw more people to try out the Wheel of Time show.  How many people read Lord of the Rings and then went on to read Wheel of Time after?  Answer: shitloads.


    This is the best time in the history of the planet for people who want to watch fantasy on TV.  While Wheel of Time is a worse show than Rings of Power and House of Dragon, it is still a great option for everyone craving more fantasy when those 2 better shows end their seasons.  I imagine the trailers for season 2 will be strategically placed before the last couple of episodes of ROP as well.

  2. 12 minutes ago, ArrylT said:


    Guess that would depend on the overall fan reaction.    The Dusty Wheel poll had about 1000 people voting and it was split 50/50 over like/dislike.    And thats the hardcore fan base not the casual viewer.   I know the casual viewer with me loved Ep8 (and the show itself).   Shes already bing re-watched half of S1 already.  Going to find out soon how Everyday Negroes and other Non-reader reaction shows handled it.


    So we'll need some time to get a better understanding.   As always people who do not love/hate something are less likely to interact on boards like this - but their numbers will always be more crucial than can be shown on fan boards.

    Plus, ultimately Amazon is paying attention to number of views, not opinions.  I'm disappointed in the show, but I'll keep watching it, and actually do enjoy it to some extent.  My wife went from ignoring the show to watching it with me every episode by the end of the season.  By all indication, this show is doing very well in the number of views metrics. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, TheDreadReader said:


    I definitely think that this was going to be Mat's scene in the finale but given his absence they had to cut and move things around a bit.


    I am really curious how they are going to fit Mat, Fain, and the dagger back in.  We obviously saw Mat going back to Tar Valon so we at least know where he is supposed to be.  But, where do they move him next?


    I was definitely thinking all the Perrin/Fain stuff from the last 2 episodes was supposed to have been Mat, since he was the only character given a connection to Fain in the 1st episode.  If Mat hadn't left the show, Perrin wouldn't have had anything to do for 2 episodes besides being the 3rd wheel of Rand/Egwene.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Ralph said:

    They get to Fal Dara in less than a day, but they still have a days walk the next day. If they went to the way gate near the Eye they would be a day in the Ways, but much nearer upon arrival

    Right, they would have had a days walk either way, so why stay in the Ways any longer than necessary?  Probably better to walk in the real world.

  5. Quick logic check:


    When they are in the mines of Moria, Moraine says that it is a days walk to the Eye of the World Waygate.  Then they have to hurry and just get to the closest waygate, which takes them to a place where it is still only a days walk to the Eye of the World.  Shouldn't that have been their destination then, in the first place?

  6. First complaint.  Not enough Rand, Mat, and Perrin.  I think Perrin had 1 line in episode 6.  If they knew at the beginning that they were going to focus most of the show on Moraine's experience and perspective, then they shouldn't have bothered aging up the book's main characters.  We spend so little time with them anyway, they might as well be naive little kids.  Could have skipped the silly Perrin kills his wife bit, and the mopey, not fun Mat bit.  Two of the best book characters wasted in order to be darker and more adult.  


    Second complaint.  Its not that hard to make a 10 foot Ogier.  See Lord of the Rings.  Forced perspective, body doubles, and only occasionally needing actual vfx.  I did enjoy someone calling Loial the Burger King though, fair description.


    Third complaint.  Slow down and have a few conversations in these amazing sets.  Good dialogue. Character development.  This is where Game of Thrones really sucked people in before the budgets were enormous.


    I am enjoying the show for the most part though, just wish it could have been better.  I'm sure I'll keep watching right through to the end, or the cancellation.  For those thinking it is a doomed show though, 3rd season has already been greenlit, and a lot of people are watching it.  Ratings don't matter as much as number of viewers, and I'll bet a Tar Valon Mark that all of the people complaining and saying they won't watch anymore, will be right there with the rest of us watching every episode on release day.



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