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News item Comments posted by oncedeadgambler

  1. My favorite Lan scene is in the "Blood Calls Blood" chapter of "The Great Hunt." Rand is nervous about his impending meeting with the Amyrlin, and Lan instructs him on how to carry himself. His best line is "There is one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it on your feet." We see another side of Lan here, and really begin to see that he is his own person apart from, and not attached to, Moiraine.


    As for Moiraine, that is a tough one because she is my favorite female character, perhaps even more so than Verin. But I really love her in "The Way Out of the Mountains" chapter of "The Dragon Reborn." At this point, we almost think we've gotten used to Moiraine, as does Perrin. But then she goes fishing, and despite Perrin cautioning her about the difficulty of catching fish, she murmurs "as difficult as that?" She then catches several fish, with ease, and seems to enjoy herself. We see a very amusing, human side to her here. But shortly thereafter, as they are traveling, Perrin thinks perhaps he can hold his own against her, and not let her push him around. "He tried refusing, resisting, but it was hard to resist when she made a reasonable suggestion, and a small one at that. Only there was always another suggestion behind it, as reasonable and small as the first, and then another. The simple force of her presence, the strength of her gaze, made it difficult to protest. Her dark eyes would catch him at the moment he opened his mouth. A lift of her eyebrow to suggest he was being a rude, a surprised widening of her eyes that he could object to so small a request, a level stare that held in it everything that was Aes Sedai, all these things could make him hesitate, and once he hesitated there was never recovering any lost ground." I think this chapter shows her as one of the deepest characters in the series, both incredibly human and more Aes Sedai than anyone, even Cadsuane, could hope to be.

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