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News item Comments posted by brianlane723

  1. I think another important piece of evidence (against Rand being tricked) is his reason for not killing the Dark One. The narration reads something like, "The Dark One had never really been the problem." I interpreted that to mean that Rand determined that the source of evil in the world was not the existence of the Dark One, but the choices of people. It seems to me that this epiphany came from not just his Dark-One-less vision, but also a final breaking of his stubbornness. 

  2. I also wonder whether the not-entirely-identified sword (thought by many to be Justice) that Rand picks up in TGS and wears the first time he meets with Tuon (which the narration says is important) would have any impact on the outrigger novels. If it IS Justice, then the Seanchan would be interested in it, and might even be willing to bargain some damane for it. However, I can't remember whether it was the mystery sword or Laman's sword that Rand gave to Tam.

  3. I'm not sure it's significant. It seemed to me like Sanderson took a different approach to writing from the perspective of Aes Sedai under the First Oath, such as in Cadsuane's sarcastic, "I hadn't noticed [it was raining in Bandar Eban]," in The Gathering Storm. Of course, we don't know what Sanderson wrote and what Jordan wrote in the last three books, but it seems like a noticeable shift between Books 1-11 and Books 12-14.

  4. My top two memories of Lan:


    1. Near the end of The Eye of the World, when Rand overhears his conversations with Nynaeve: "I will hate the man you choose because he is not me, and love him if he makes you smile. I get teary every time I think back to it.


    2. After Moiraine fell into the doorway with Lanfear: "It was a good day to die." I'd always pegged Lan for a Klingon...

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