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aaron hranek

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Posts posted by aaron hranek

  1. End of Page 552-553


    "Perrin hit first, swinging his hammer with a roar. Slayer actually sank into the ground, as if it were liquid, dropping beneath the AXE blow"


    Notice the axe part. I don't know how that made it past but it did. He swung a hammer but Slayer dropped below a axe blow.


    Not to mention that apparently Perrin didn't "hit"

    i read the "axe blow" as being the type of swing the hammer had made

  2. Was Reading contently, when I found the only mistake I've ever found in a book. (Im on page 200 by the way)

    It's not just a small mistake it's pretty big! And within twenty pages :(

    so far that I have read, Tam Al'Thor has been with Perrin. And on page 175 (Uk version) is the last time I saw him was with Perrin meeting with Galad and the whitecloaks for the first time.

    Then on page 199, in the scene where Rand cones back to Tear and has been gone for three days, Tam comes out of the stone of tear, and Rand cries into him that he isi sorry etc. it is somehow plausible he got there by gateway until he says "it's been three days, Rand. I've already met her".

    But Tam has been with Perrin the whole time? And been mentioned by name about a dozen times by Perrin?




    Another mistake regarding Perrin and Rand, is in his conversation on Page 172 (Uk) with Grady about the taint when this occurs "that's how Rand feels, Perrin thought, watching the colours swirl again and his friend appear. He was riding his large black horse through a city with muddy streets, speaking with Nynaeve, who rode beside him". For one Rand as far as we know is wondering around Dragonmount and here there and everywhere. And then we find out Nynaeve has been waiting for Rand for three days in Tear?!



    Can anyone back me up on this please? I don't usually care about spelling etc but I actually had to stop because I got confused :(


    this is not a mistake, perrin's time line and rand's are different. at the end of tGS tam needed to be with rand, but they couldn't fit perrins plot line into tGS. so its broken up, a little messy but it makes sense.

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