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News item Comments posted by jonno

  1. I have a few comments on these prophesies and theories. First the prophesies:

    The White Tower will be whole again, except for remnants cast out and scorned, whole and stronger than ever.

    Done, Egwene's black Ajah purge.


    Rand al'Thor will face the Amyrlin Seat and know her anger.

    This has not yet happened, but the impending Fields of Marador confrontation will probably qualify.


    The Black Tower will be rent in blood and fire,

    This has not yet happened, but the impending Taim and Logan confrontation will probably qualify.


    and sisters will walk its grounds.

    Done, several times over. And considering that there are Ashaman - Aes Sedai bonds on both sides of the Taim and Logan confrontation, this will likely happen at the time of the "blood and fire" as well.


    Rand sitting down in a chair, and somehow she knew that the chair's owner would be murderously angry at having her chair taken; that the owner was a woman was as much as she could pick out of that, and not a thing more.

    Imnsho, this have already happened:

    “They’re both dead,” Rand said bleakly. He sat down on the throne, his head resting against the moonstone Lion of Andor. The throne had been sized for women. “I killed Gaebril, but not before he killed Morgase.”

    TFoH, Ch. 56


    The White Tower shall be broken by his name,



    and Aes Sedai shall kneel to wash his feet and dry them with their hair.

    If meant literally, this has not happened yet, and the "dry them with their hair" is really interesting. Egwene used a cloth when "asking to serve" as Amyrlin. This, in combination with the washing being the wrong way around, I'm fairly sure it does not refer to the Amyrling-raising ceremony.

    OTOH, if this was meant figuratively, it has happened several times over, including Aes Sedai washing floors at his command...


    Now let's pole some wholes in the theories presented above:

    A funny little footnote to this theory is the fact that Rand, being Lews Therin reborn, might even have an odd sort of claim to the Amyrlin Seat. After all, Lews Therin was the Amyrlin himself before he committed the most extreme version of hari-kari ever ...

    Actually, he wasn't. There was no such office prior to the forming of the White Tower after the breaking (and thus Lewis Therin's death):

    In that year (98 AB), Elisane Tishar is shown as the Amyrlin Seat, the first to bear that title, one she apparently had held for several years at this point.

    The Guide, Ch. 9

    Lews Therin was only "First Amongst Servants" in the "Hall of Servants" which, while the highest office among Age of Legend Aes Sedai, had much less direct power than the current office of "Amyrlin Seat". Using a modern day analogy, "First Amongst Servants" was a Prime Minister, while the "Amyrlin Seat" is a President. That said, Lewes Therin did sit in the "Hall of Servants", so Rand could, potentially, retake his rightful position as "Sitter in the Hall".

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