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Posts posted by nizoj

  1. I finished yesterday evening and haven't been able to put the story out of my mind since.  I've spent such a long time reading and anticipating and now it's all over.  I've never gotten so emotional over a book.  There were absolutely times when I had to stop reading because I teared up, there were times when I wanted to stand up and cheer and then there is that empty feeling now that it is all done.


    I've spent half of my life engrossed in this world and though I've shared the books with some friends in the past I generally haven't had anyone to talk about the series with.  Well, now that it is over all I want to do is discuss this story with folks who understand.  So, here I am.


    To me, the ending was like getting in a car crash, you're going so fast and then abruptly and unexpectedly stop.  The whole time I was envisioning a significant resolution for each character, 50 to 100 pages of "happily ever after" stuff.  So, when the pages at the end of the book started to dwindle and finally Rand rode off into the sunset I was shocked.  I can't say that I'm upset or disappointed as I appreciate the unexpected when I'm so engrossed in a story.  I just feel like I'm left with this sense of wanting more, that there's unfinished business.  


    I absolutely loved Lan's story through the book.  Lan was at Tarwin's Gap making his last ride into a horde of shadow that was surely going to destroy his force to a man and then gateways split the air and the rest of the Borderlanders came through at full charge.  I don't know why but I cried when that happened.  I had to stop reading for the day because I had never experienced anything like that in a book.  Powerful stuff.


    There were so many other things that I enjoyed or that toyed with my emotions.  I think I'm going to journey into the rest of forums to discuss.      

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