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Posts posted by aynatal2000

  1. Finished reading 3 days ago and have the audio book now and am rereading. OMG moments

    Darkfriends/dreadlords tricked into stedding! LOL

    Hinderstep- the Prince of Raven's Rules!

    the seanchan's animal troops- Wow

    Egwene vs Taim

    Olver and the horn

    Noal and the heroes of the horn

    Brigitte Silverbow outsmarting Elayne

    Tuon and Min her truth sayer

    Moghedien collared again!

    Perrin killing Lanfear

    Lan sheathing the sword


    There are so many moments that were OMG or just LOL! just reading  these is great, bit reading and audio narrative is killer! What a wonderful end to a great series.Critique all you want but there is not another like it.

  2. Egwene gave the mighty smack down! All throughout the series she has been maturing,developing to her full potential as one of  the stongest channelers of her time.


    Its only a  weave- those words from TOM by Perrin in the dream world, gave is the clue that bale fire can be stopped- the weave unwound.But how do you  repair the damage... more balefire?  No, the opposite of it. And to create it you must let go,surrender.Rand also learned this lesson in his fight with the dark one; hearing Tam saying let go let everyone make their sacrifice.


    Yes the crystal made me think of Rhuidean and its tree and crystals too


    Egwene took control of the Tower and vowed she would let any one collar a sister again.And evryone seems to forget that she had just recently found out  the extent of Logain's bonding of Aes Sedai.She felt that Rand was responsible for this and therefore was quite hostile to him at the Dragon's Peace meeting, truly on the offensive.


    Yet knowing she would die after instinctively figuring out how to stop the damage of balefire, how to reverse it  she let go for the final time and commanded Look for the light, break the seals then - she let go and her final blow was to the Shadow  and it killed those who had turned to the Shadow.She wasn't trying to wield a weapon... she was trying to right a wrong. She was the Amaryllin and she was the Flame of Tar Valon; had been since TOM really when she gave the smack down to the Seanchan.


    And by the way the angreal or sa angreal she had it was mentioned a few books back that it was powerful and dangerous to use- the sister who had researched it had no idea whether its use wouldn'tt kill the user i.e at least to me. no buffer.Correct me but didn't Verin know of this and others hidden in the tower?

  3. Well, we know that Ishamael did something to his mind 20 years ago, and possibly Graendal did one year ago, but his memory problems would seem to indicate Compulsion rather than voluntary association with the Dark. Remember that Jain caught Cowin Gemallen.


    Thank you! I knew he was introduced after a scene with a Forsaken but I couldn't remember who.Should have thought of Graendel before, she who seems to inherit or obtain other Forsaken's tools(Trollocs, Dreamspike,oath rods,Sharans,etc)

  4. Wasn't Farstrider introduced in the series to join Mat as a Darkfriend which is why he says to tell them Jain died clean? I know he was an adventurer and his book is read by everyone( and I think it will be important; his book contains a clue concerning the Forsaken and what is in the Blight- IMHO).He caught up with Mat and the Band after he got the Fox ring didn't he?

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