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News item Comments posted by jonbillarcher

  1. Anyone else catch this line:


    "I will never cross back over that line—whatever else happens, I will have written three books in this series."


    Does he mean THIS series, like there is a possibility of some sequels or prequels that are technically in a different series? Or does he mean that these won't happen period? Or does he mean that they may happen, but not with him writing?


    So many questions, but very excited about the end. It has been a long time coming!

  2. I've got to be honest - I'm _REALLY_ disappointed with the lack of an eBook version on release day. I figured it was Macmillan that was preventing it from release, but apparently it is not. I emailed them today and this is the response that I got:


    "This publication has been delayed at the request of the author's estate. Thanks."


    So what the heck? Why would they do this? It just makes it look like they are taking us for all we're worth! I already bought the hardcover, and now when the eBook is released I'll have to get that too because I have a nook and that's what I read on. Just failing to understand why they are dragging their feet on this and making everyone with e-readers angry. The book has a 3 out of 5 on Barnes and Noble's website right now solely because there is no eBook. Seriously, what is the deal!?

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