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News item Comments posted by yancy

  1. Hah! My greatest moment in WoT fandom is indirectly referenced.


    I’m pretty sure that somewhere out there is a Robert Jordan confirmation, a “He’s toast” comment.


    It was the book signing for #8 in Virginia. After over an hour of waiting, it was finally my turn and I expected the same RAFO answer I'd almost gleefully heard him give several times already (even the poster overhead was a stoic picture of RJ with the letters RAFO in bold underneath). The Asmodean debate took place regularly in my reader's circle, with one person in particular almost obnoxiously insisting he was still alive.


    When I asked if Asmodean was really dead or not, I was shocked to see him put down the pen and look at me thoughtfully for a second before explaining that "he's gone. He's a cat that tried to cross the tracks and failed."


    "So he's definitely dead for good," I asked while he was being so candid, just to be sure.


    "He's finished," he said, closing the conversation.


    Most amusingly, there was a guy behind RJ taking notes who'd mostly seemed listless and inactive the whole time. Suddenly, he was scrabbling up a storm, which made me kind of happy, and he even took my name down (I saw it later in the FAQ, which was neat).


    As far as RJ fandom goes, getting a non-RAFO answer's about as cool an honor as a fan can hope for :)

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