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Posts posted by SharpDressedAsha'Man

  1. I've never liked Egwene, but Brandon turned that dislike into plain indifference during these last three books.


    As Bellarific noted there was an obvious lack of love for her, but at the same time I felt that BS was trying to pull his typical 'casuallyincrediblesuperawesomefemalelead' thing, despite having no passion for it.

    It's a strange mix that completely ruined any meaningful impact she could have had for me (even a grudging admittal that she might not be that bad).

    But I can barely remember what she did other than stamp her feet to remind people she's in charge, somehow take Taim head-on with voodoo wizardry and incessantly ramble away with her internal monologues about how fantastic she is. It all read totally bland, and quite a little bit rushed.


    When she finally died I felt nothing other a strange tingle in the back of my mind that urged me to look back to when she actually had a personality, even one I disliked, so that I may think something other than "Well, fancy that".

    All that Egwene-induced misogyny and this is what it amounts to? You win again, Shai'tan, I've been had.

  2. It's possible that the floors have varying heights, and perhaps rooms which open up into multi-floor atriums. I always imagined the libraries to be similar to those. The descriptions of the city's buildings seem to point towards the Ogier having quite a bit of flare when it comes to building, especially with wave forms.


    And are we counting the basements in this height estimate, or just the above-ground structure?

  3. In TEotW when Aginor/Balthamel are asked how they found the party, Balthamel points to Mat and says something about an old enemy.

    Was that him mistaking Mat for being LTT reborn or something to do with Manetheren/the Shadar Logoth dagger?


    I'd guess it was the latter, even though it doesn't seem to make much sense since all that happened long after the Sealing, unless the Forsaken who were less bound could percieve events as Ishamael could. I imagine being trapped in the same prison as the antithesis of creation can do strange things to your mind if you aren't in a coma like the others were.

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