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Posts posted by Oliver

  1. Yeah I noticed all these typo's myself, makes you wonder what happenned with the Editor and Proof reader.


    I must admit I was confused about the timeline jumping back and forth as well, very confusing, it was all over the place. Probably why some folk are now theorizing that Nakomi is Verin as the timeline is screwed up so bad.

    The plot is still amazing so much work for the Light still to do and apparently by end of book all Hell is going to break loose the next day.

    But all these errors are confusing the clues and the foreshadowing technique is some of them deliberate or was the Editor on her holiday when the draft was aproved for print? RJ wouldn't have made as many mistakes, Iv never noticed any previously tbh.

    As for the timeline confusion it's a shame they couldn't have a sub heading stating "3 days previously" or "present day" etc



    I was just in the middle of my second read through and thought this myself. Who in the light edited this book. tGS was really well done with a few mistakes but nothing as big as whats in ToM. I guess the editor is looking for a new job? At least we can hope

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