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Status Updates posted by lhsmommy

  1. is more easy today. Found the cash we needed so good for at least a month. Poor Logan prince is sick though, so we have him doped up. Gonna sit at home tonight and crochet and read.

  2. is truly sick of this freaking cold. UGH! Made Brad a yummy birthday dinner and gave Logan a color bath. Now I am sitting here watching 'beanpod mom!' Jumping on daddy. Gonna have tea and try to finish Brad's Xmas blanket.

  3. just does not know what to do now.

  4. just was at the park! 65 and sunny. SO nice out! Now boy is napping and we are going to wash our cars. Loving this weather.

  5. made a ham dinner. Yum! Now watching 'Pirate Veggies' with Logan and Brad. I love these nice quiet evenings.

  6. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. On a personal note, thanks to all the Santas who helped us make Logan's second Christmas possible. I am truly touched.

  7. met my new nephew briefly. He is damn adorable. Now I want another one. How sick am I?

  8. moving pretty much done. Yay for the Loveall crew for their new home! Everyone sore and tired and cranky. But the guys and Heather and Heidi busted ass! The rest of us cleaned and herded kids and did what we could. Hate moving anyone but glad we are done! Go us!

  9. needs burbon, stat!

  10. needs creative and relatively inexpensive gift ideas for both my guys. Please message me with them. <3 Thanks all!

  11. o Brad and I have a brand new Nephew. Richard Edward was born a little bit ago, 8lbs 20.5 inches. Congratulations to Jess and Mike and Happy Birthday to little Ricky!

  12. oh yeah have me some bourbon and ginger. Not caring about shit right now. First drink in a week so hey... just needed it.

  13. One box of rubber gloves and 3 bottles of bleach: $15.00. One rope, 3 rolls of duct tape, and a shovel: $35.00. 3 boxes of trash bags: $10.00. The look on the cashier's face: Priceless! (so gonna do this on April Fools)!

  14. So, Logan walks up to me outside this morning and says, 'Mommy, Sky is blue. Birds and Moon in sky.' He floored me. I love watching him learn. It is amazing what he picks up that I am totally unaware of. Guess I am doing something right.

  15. So, tonight we put up Logan's Lightning McQueen toddler bed. Houdini escaped his crib a lot in the last few days, so holding it till his birthday got nixed. He LOVES it and went to bed easy. Asleep in a few minutes. It took more time cleaning his room to fully kid proofed. LOL! Then I cried. He is growing up way to fast.

  16. The tree is up and decorated. Just realized we have 3 baby's first Christmas ornaments. LOL... And Logan flipped when he saw the Mater ornament we got for him. Now we are watching White Christmas and relaxing.

  17. Today is election day. Let's perform our most essential civic duty. Politics can sometimes be off putting but apathy is the great tool of the extreme minority. So let's get out there and VOTE! Our voices must be heard!!

  18. Watching "Next Iron Chef." Yes. Yes, I am that dorky. :)

  19. watching Valentine's Day with Brad. Might be going out tonight, not sure yet. Logan is feeling better and Black bean and ham soup for dinner!

  20. We had a wonderful evening! Now we are going to have a nice quiet day, watching football and eating all the yummy food I am making. Oriental meatballs, garlic scallops, chicken fingers, veggie tray, fresh bread and banana cream pie! Woot!

  21. Well all, another Christmas has passed. It was magical for Logan, thanks to many of you. At least until he missed his nap. Now he is in dream land and Brad and I are vegging out tinkering with our stuff. Merry Christmas to you all again. Good Night!

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