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News item Comments posted by AaronHuston

  1. It has to be so difficult for a fan to pick up where Robert Jordan left off. I'm thankful for Sanderson. I love the Mistborn trilogy. He's done a very admirable job with the last 2 WoT books. I so look forward to the end (or will it be a new beginning?).


    Been reading this series since my college days...let's see, about 13 years ago. Wow, been a long, but fun ride. I'll continue to reread these books till they nail my coffin shut.

  2. Just finished the book tonight. It's a very thick book, almost 1k pages! Loved every beautiful page.


    Just couldn't get into RR Martin's series. Took me about 4 months to read the first book. Too much politics that it weighs the story down for me.


    Guess I'll have another 3 years before Rothfuss' next book. I do wonder how many books he plans on making. I'm doubting a trilogy. I would like more than 3 too. It'll be interesting to see how things progress. I'm guessing at some point that Kvothe's story telling will end and we'll pick up in current times. Doesn't sound like he's managed to kill one particular Chandrian and it seems like he needs to redeem himself. Seriously can't wait for more!

  3. Man, I was pissed, I pre-ordered only to find out that I wouldn't get the book till 2 days after release. What kind of crap is that?


    So I did the only logical thing. I went to the store and bought it. I'll return it once I get my book in the mail. That's pretty crappy though. People who pre-order obviously want the book and should be rewarded with the book at least the day of release. Meh. Guess I won't be pre-ordering again. There's always plenty at the store to just walk in and buy it.


    Man, I only put the book down cause I got a cramp in my arm. I'm lovin it so far!

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